NKBA Auto Dimensions


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Just upgraded to Chief from Home Designer. Love the NKBA Auto Dimensions but is there any way to have them pick up applied panels on cabinet sides? I can't seem to add the extra point manually, either...

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Hi Eric, 


Thanks so much for the video. When I pull the dimension up to the panel, I don't get that blue circular symbol. In fact, I don't get a symbol at all when trying to drag to the panel.



If I drag to another point (such as the center line of a cabinet), I will get an hourglass type symbol in red. Not sure if this could be something to do with my settings or if I'm just doing something wrong. My panel goes to the floor unlike in your video but I don't think that would be the issue? 



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Caitlin, when the dimension won’t pickup an applied panel, such as one placed through the cabinet dialog – you can use a line or a CAD point.  In the image below, I placed a CAD point and then can position the dimension.  I noticed in your plan it seems to be missing several dimension defaults – you might reset your template plan to use the Chief Architect version – since you upgraded from Home Designer it might have imported that into Chief Architect.



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Hi Scott,

Thanks for your help! For some reason I couldn't get the CAD points to pin where I needed them (panels are 5/8"). I'm very (very) green so admittedly I may have been doing something incorrectly.


On 5/7/2022 at 12:19 AM, scottharris said:


I reset all of my settings since the option to Reset Templates only was not available on my X13 dialog box. This didn't fix the issue either, unfortunately.


Any other idea as to why I am not able to drag and add my own dimension lines to the NKBA dimension line? I've been getting what I need using a manual dimension but its extra time and work that'd I'd like to avoid if possible. 


Thanks again!

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The ‘reset the templates’ is in X14.  In X13, you can verify you are using the default template in your preferences -> new plans.  It should be something like ‘Residential Template.plan’ or ‘Kitchen and Bath Template.plan’.  I suspect @solver is  correct – your plan may have started as an Home Designer plan.  Follow his steps to covert that into a Chief Architect plan.


For the CAD point (edit: Point Marker): place it near your cabinet end panel; add a dimension to the point, click on the point; click on the dimension and enter in the precise amount.  You might see how that process is done in this wall elevation video.


If you still need help, reach out to our support group - they are open 7-4 PT.


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12 hours ago, scottharris said:

I suspect @solver is  correct – your plan may have started as an Home Designer


It was , fairly easily confirmed by opening plan with Notepad ( can take a while on a large plan) and scrolling down until you find some Human readable Text :) 




To upgrade this Plan to X13 you can also Import the Plan Defaults and Saved Plan Views from the X13 Template Plan.....

( you may also need to export the Default Sets and Layersets from the X13 Residential Template and then import them

all done in about 5 mins ...once you know how, not sure if there is a Video on that?)





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Ah you guys are the best, thank you all! The plan was started in Home Designer so that must be the issue. 


20 hours ago, solver said:

What's really needed is the option in the dimension locate settings to locate applied end panels. Sounds like a good first suggestion.

^ This would be lovely!


11 hours ago, MarkMc said:

Posted an alternative method to get the panel dimension on your other thread.

^ I will check this out, thank you! These panels are giving me a headache lol. 

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