Ssa Renewal Late Fee


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I inadvertently let my SSA expire. There seemed to be no urgency, or problem with letting it go for a few days. Imagine my surprise when I got a notice a few days later offering to renew it for an additional late charge of $95. NONE of the reminder e-mails I received mentioned this. It is not mentioned anywhere on the SSA Renewal page, nor is any obligation to keep SSA continuously active mentioned anywhere in plain sight. I came very close to just telling Chief Architect to kiss my a** and leaving it for good. Fortunately, the sales rep said there was a 30-day grace period (again, not mentioned anywhere), although I couldn't renew online anymore without paying the late charge.


For the record, I have no problem with Chief's policy of a late charge, if that's what they want to do. But they need to make it clear on the website what the actual policy is, and not bury it somewhere in fine print. It would also be helpful to have the renewal reminders mention this.

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I got an e-mail from the Sales Department, and need to correct my original post slightly. There was a note at the bottom of the reminder message:


*If your SSA expires, a late fee will be applied and the one-year SSA period will begin from the time of renewal. If a new version has since been released, then you are subject to regular upgrade pricing. Upgrade pricing fees can be found on"


This was at the bottom, and out of the reading window of my Outlook, so I never saw it. But you don't find out what the late fee actually is until after the expiration. Sales agreed it would be good to include that information.

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