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ok that symbol is for building the terrain.  It means that a build is pending.  you have automatic terrain build turned off.  There is no terrain definition in the plan that you posted, so I am guessing that the terrain had not been created at the time that you saved the plan. First define the terrain perimeter, and then click on Terrain/Terrain Specifications Turn on 2020-03-20_11-24-37.thumb.jpg.0388bc6a79518f767358c429b5cb2a71.jpg2020-03-20_11-23-58.thumb.jpg.549614f7a13f29b73d549e4ca437b995.jpg

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Just to clarify, that symbol means that something that affects your terrain model has been changed and the terrain needs to be rebuilt.  For example, if you add or modify an elevation line, your terrain model would then need to be rebuilt.


You can do one of the following:

 - Manually rebuild your terrain any time it appears.  This will cause the symbol to go away until you change something else that affects your terrain.

 - Turn on Auto Rebuild Terrain.  This will cause the terrain to get rebuilt any time you change something that affects your terrain.  With complex models, this may cause a performance hit which is why we give you the option of turning it off and rebuilding manually.

 - You can turn off all of the symbols that can appear and follow your cursor.  I actually think this is a horrible idea so I won't even tell you how to do this.  Someone else might though so please be aware that this will also turn off the indicators that tell you things like that you have accidentally turned off angle snaps or auto rebuild floors and ceilings.


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