MacOS Mojave Font Rendering Issue


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I just upgraded to MacOS Mojave on one of my machines and I noticed that the fonts in Chief appeared blurrier than before (the library, tab names, dbx's, etc.). After talking with tech support, we determined that the problem is not with Chief, but it's an easy fix. Apple has disabled subpixel antialiasing for text in the new OS. Apparently, if you have a Retina display, you won't have this problem, but my machines are older...


So for anyone in the same boat as me, you just need to type this command in the Terminal app:


defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool FALSE



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Don,


I've only noticed two hiccups with Chief since upgrading to Mojave. The first is the font rendering, as mentioned above, which is resolved. The other has to do with fonts within the plan and layout files. I've submitted the bug to tech support, but basically some fonts are bolder than they should be, others are the opposite. For example, in my condocs, I use Arial Narrow for pretty much all annotations and dimensions. For my room labels, I bold it. For some reason, now it doesn't really look bold.


On the flip side, in my prelim layout template, I use the Syntax font. Again, I bold certain items, like titles. This font has a few different styles (Roman, Italic, Black, Bold, Ultra Black). Before upgrading to Mojave, making the text bold in Chief would correctly change the style to bold. Now, it incorrectly changes to the Ultra Black style for all the bold text.


I've suggested to Chief on a few occasions in the past to give us access to all font styles, like other Mac apps, instead of just B/I/U, which would eliminate this problem. Hopefully they do soon!


As far as the rest of Mojave is concerned, I haven't explored all the new features yet, but I find there's no revolutionary new features that will drastically change the way I work. The Dark Mode is kinda cool, but I ended up switching back. The new options for screenshots are nice, but I wish there was a way to add a shortcut to my dock. Stacks to organize my desktop are a nice addition. Quite a few new features in Finder, but I haven't really explored those. I haven't had a chance to try the new Continuity Camera either, nor explore the added Privacy and Security options. And I'll never FaceTime with up to 32 people at once! That just sounds like it would be mass confusion... no thanks!


I upgraded my iMac to Mojave, but I'm holding off on my MacBook until these bugs are fixed.


Hope that helps!


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Thank you so much. Sorry about the font difficulty. It seems like something that CA could fix easily, so I suppose we just have to hope for the best. In the meantime, I'm glad to hear, thanks to your bravery, that your iMac didn't blow up when you opened CA. When I upgraded to High Sierra, way back, I had severe problems with mouse behavior and sluggishness that mad it nearly unusable. Fortunately, they fixed it with the next CA update.  I feel much more at ease upgrading to Mojave now.  


I really appreciate that you have taken the time to respond to me with such great and thorough info. Thanks again!!  Don

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just upgraded my computer and went to MOJAVE. Like Levis  I am having issues with the way it prints.  I did keep my other computer and I still have Sierra on it.  I am using the older computer because of this.  I have not spent the time to fully understand what is going on.


Levis,  if you have time to do a GOTOMEETING with me, we can compare what is going on.


Let me know if you have time,   thanks.

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