What is the ideal origin of a plan?


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When starting a floor plan, is there an ideal location to place the floor plan?

I usually try to place the bottom left corner of the building at 0,0 for x,y.  

(When I remember)


Are there do's and don'ts for this?


Just wondering if there are any ramifications if the house is placed somewhere random or not snapped to the grid etc...

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1 hour ago, DRAWZILLA said:

Anywhere close is good, if you get too far from absolute zero, funny things start to happen. I just set it up in a template plan and haven't had to move it since 2005



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I generally try to keep the center of the project around 0,0, or at least that is the way I start, but close enough.


Main reason for this is if you ever reverse the plan using Chief's reverse tool vs Edit Area or other ways to do it, it reflects about 0,0 vs the center of the house.  So this saves problems including saved cameras, terrain, etc.  I have a large library of plans that I reuse and recreate and have learned this from trial and error.


But as other mentioned, in the general area of 0,0 is good.

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