Importing DWG topographic map


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I am having trouble with importing a DWG topo map. I watched Chief's video 1056 (Import a Surveyor DWG file for a Site Plan or Terrain Perimeter) and I followed the instructions for joining all of the perimeter polylines but I still cannot get the entire set to highlight so that I can convert it to a Terrain Perimeter as shown. I have also tried creating my own Perimeter by tracing over the lines in the imported DWG and then placing the imported elevation lines on top of it - no go.

I noticed that when I imported the DWG, I got (2) sets, a large one with no elevation lines and a much smaller set (off to the lower left) which does have the elevation lines. The layers of most relevance are:

-   4 (elevation lines)

-   8 (elevation labels)
- 17 (Perimeter)


Can anyone can figure out what I'm missing?





4000 WOKING-Topo.dwg

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Not at my computer right now to look at the file but I would suspect that you are missing something in the steps of the import process.


When you import are you selecting terrain perimeter for the boundary line layer and elevation data for the contour lines?


In regards to not getting the boundary lines to join that sounds like an issue with cad or snap behavior settings.


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OK, lets first deal with the terrain perimeter itself.

I think what is happening is that when you are importing the data, you are telling Chief to import the terrain perimeter.

So what is happening is that Chief is creating a rectangular terrain perimeter over the small plan to the left.

Once Chief has created this terrain, it won't create another one as you can only have one terrain in a plan.

Display only the Terrain Perimeter layer, select and delete the terrain perimeter.

Now you will be able to create your own terrain perimeter.

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22 minutes ago, ericepv said:

Michael - The file I posted is the original file which was sent to me. I did enclose the perimeter and also connected a few other lines but it still didn't work...


Ya, I realized that.  My point still stands.  Your polylines aren't actually connected.  Here's a quick video...



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Thanks for the video, that worked great! I now have converted it to a terrain perimeter but it is just a flat lot (should be sloped) even though I brought in the elevation lines (and specified them as such during the import) along with all the other layers. Any idea where I went wrong?



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