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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. No, sorry. I'm on X10, and I don't keep previous versions of the software installed on my machine. I suggest you fill out your signature with the version of Chief you are using - that way I would have known from the start that you were running X8. Anyway, maybe these roof settings will help:
  2. The original dwg hassome very large block definitions that I suspect may be the culprits. I exploded those blocks and purged their definitions. This file - Lot 8 exploded.dwg - imported into X9 without any problems for me. Maybe it will work for you, maybe not.
  3. My first post has the plan file attached. Download it and you can dig into the roof settings.
  4. Maybe I misunderstand the intent, but I think it can be done with normal roof planes: roof.plan
  5. I'm confused, and hope someone can help. To set up the discussion, the following example uses an Annoset named Roof Plan 1/4", and a Layerset named Roof Plan. 1. The Annoset is set to use the Roof Plan Layerset: 2. The Layerset has a CAD, Roof layer defined to hold my CAD linework when working in the Annoset: 3. The Active Defaults are set to use the Roof Plan 1/4" Annoset, the Roof Plan Layerset, and CAD, Roof as the Current CAD Layer: 4. When I draw a new CAD object, it is assigned to the CAD, Roof layer: This is exactly as expected. What I don't understand is why the Line Options>Layer>Default box isn't checked: And if I check it, the assigned layer is changed to CAD, Default: Why wouldn't the default CAD layer be the one that has been assigned by the Annoset, Layerset, and Default Settings? Not only is this confusing, but it's inconvenient as hell. For instance, when working on my Roof Plan, if I want to assign any CAD object to the supposed "default" CAD, Roof layer, I have to scroll through the layer list instead of simply checking the box. The Reference Manual makes brief mention of the CAD, Default layer, but implies that it can be changed using Annosets and Default Settings. Apparently this isn't true. Am I missing something in my set up? Am I just being obtuse? If anyone can shed some light, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, I'm going to make this a Suggestion.
  6. I've been ordering from Falcon Northwest since 2013. We have five Talon desktops in the office with two more on the way. Our latest builds are about $2900 apiece and feature Asus Strix Z370-E motherboards; Intel Core I7 8700K processers at 4.7Ghz with 6 physical cores (12 threads); 16gb 2400mhz DDR4 RAM; and GeForce GTX 1080 GPUs with 8gb VRAM; liquid cooling, and lots of big, quiet fans. Falcon offers over-clocking for an additional fee. In five years we've had only one issue: the liquid cooling unit on our oldest box failed - it was a $85.00 replacement part which was fairly easy to swap out. Falcon's customer service has been excellent. Lead times on custom builds with high end graphics cards is several weeks due to the Bitcoin mining craze, but if you're willing to wait Falcon can provide you with an excellent desktop box.
  7. How about a screenshot and some more detail, like what type of view (vector, standard,etc.) is giving you the problem. Is it a mirror from the Chief library, or a custom object? What are the material settings you are using?
  8. A hole will only work if it is drawn in the same plane in which the original p-solid was drawn. IOW, if you drew the pool wall in plan view, then switched to an elevation view to draw the scupper holes, it won't work and you'll get that error.
  9. Your posted images are small, but here's my best guess at one of the 2x2 tile patterns you're after: carpetsquares.calibz I whipped it up in The Gimp in about 1 minute. If you're not familiar with this free Photoshop alternative, I suggest you check it out here.
  10. Sometimes zooming or panning helps. Selecting dimensions can be very tricky at times.
  11. This is what I see - no issues with diagonal bracing: Have you tried rebuilding the wall framing to see what happens? I wonder if there are other elements that were producing the problem - did you strip out anything (roofs, ceiling planes, etc.) before posting the plan?
  12. Did you export as 2D or 3D? My experience has been that 3D DWG exports from Chief aren't as reliable. If 2D is what you're after, try exporting as 2010-2012, or as a DXF. Civil 3D supports both, so I expect one of these options should work.
  13. ScottSchafer, you should download the Reference Manual and start reading at page 858. Mick has good advice. Home Designer Pro doesn't provide an option to choose the Layerset to use for export, but it's not difficult to create a new "export" Layerset and activate it before beginning the export process. Index Colors is another story - I don't know what Home Designer Pro does with this - maybe it automatically exports the Index Colors, maybe not; regardless, the draftsperson should be able to cope. Ultimately it's up to the draftsperson to work with what you give them - it may involve more work, but drawing exchange between software products is always an issue.
  14. Thanks Eric. I did a forum search for Wall Niche and your referenced post didn't come up. Sorry for the duplicate question.
  15. Why does the wall niche casing float off the wall surface? This is a brand new X10 plan, nothing else in it except a wall and the niche. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  16. This behavior confused me also, then I found the answer in the X10 Reference Manual:
  17. I suggest contacting Tech Support. Submit your plan file and they can take a closer look.
  18. I would look into learning SketchUp, then importing your creations into Chief. Plus, the Trimble 3D Warehouse has lots of shopfitting components already created that you can download/modify/import. Then, learn the limitations of Chief's Symbol paradigm - it will save you lots of time and frustration when setting up the Symbols to achieve what you want. Chief can do a good job of creating the interior shop environment, but it's not so great at creating the components.
  19. Try turning off Image Properties>Use Tone Mapping.
  20. I can think of a few reasons you can't delete it: 1) It is one of Chief's protected layers (e.g. Walls, Normal; or HVAC; or Foundation). 2) The layer is referenced within a an Annoset, in which case you would need to remove it from the Annoset definition before it can be deleted. 3) The layer is referenced within a Block definition , in which case you need to delete and purge, or redefine, the block definition before the layer can be deleted. There are probably other reasons - I'm sure other folks will chime in.
  21. I've opened a ticket with Support to address this issue.
  22. The Home Designer site is here. From there you can use the pull-down menus at the top of the page to navigate to whatever form of support you need, including the user forum:
  23. Using Plot Lines>Color Fill also fixes the problem, except of course for the color fill: ...which doesn't resolve itself when printed to PDF: