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  1. To further hijack the thread... How about away to automatically sequence room type names with numbers. i.e. Office 1, Office 2 Eric, X15 & a computer.
  2. I know...It is sad that I am looking this stuff up on a Saturday, but inquiring minds want to know. This is from an adjustable column manufacturers ICC-ES code evaluation Installation instructions: 4.1. The Marshall Extend-O-Column must be installed with the adjustable screw mechanism on the bottom. The entire adjustment mechanism, including the entire collar nut, shall be encased in minimum 3500 psi (24.1 MPa) concrete "Zip" Column report says you can "damage one thread 1-1/2" for 1/2 its depth" and must be installed with threads must be at the bottom. That makes it part of the code if you a going to use it. Eric
  3. Ryan, Looks like I am a little weak on the "code required" part based only on : IRC R407.3 Structural Requirements: The columns shall be restrained to prevent lateral displacement at the bottom end. But manufacturer's instructions require the screw be welded or encased in concrete, so I guess that becomes a requirement. Eric
  4. Codes require the adjustable part to be welded or cover the threads with concrete after installation. Down is the correct orientation with the threads below the slab. If you were jacking/leveling for a reno would be a different? Eric
  5. DB,,,, Thank You. Problem solved. A Pile is essentially a telephone pole beaten into the ground or a metal screw used to hold up a building when you have crappy soils instead of using spread footings. Gene... I will try as a cabinet also.. but my Piles are round. Thank You, Eric.
  6. Thank you in advance... I need to develop a Helical Pile plan and provide a unique label/number for each Pile to generate a log/schedule. Using x14 polylines in a schedule (or a symbol but 3d is not needed/wanted)..... How can I generate a different schedule number for each pile if the polyline or symbol is the same for each pile.? Using its x/y location would be great but does not seem to be an option?. Eric.. X14, WIN11/I7/16ram/RTX3080
  7. Pdf size has been a big problem for me also on large jobs... I am using a program called Small PDF ($12/mo) that seems to do a good job of compressing the file. I also found that using 144dpi is fine for printing working drawings and I can not tell the difference on D size prints from 300dpi. (have not tried it for renderings) Small PDF also allows you to compress two files a day (so they say) on its web site for free (if you don't mind uploading/downloading to the web. Eric
  8. I think I will live with the no auto line /add manual line. Still a great time saver as it shows on all floors and references the layout page. Thank You, Eric
  9. Thank you... the construction line are great except they seem to have the same problem...the line only seems to go all the way across on the double ended set up. x-13! Eric
  10. Any tips on how to use a back clip cross section with a call out label on each end but I do not want the section mark line to display all the way thru the building just near the call outs. x-13...Thanks once again, Eric
  11. Thanks all for the moral support and next level tricks..... Also revisiting using auto dimensions .....
  12. Have multiply floors that are identical. X13 I dimension one floor interior/exterior/windows etc. I can copy the dimensions to the next floor but they are "dumb" and not attached to walls/windows anymore. It works but leaves an x marks the spot marker ( can the points be turned off ?) and it would be better if dims were connected. Does a magic button exist to copy the dimensions and be attached to the same items on the next level?? Thank You in advance Eric
  13. I would love to see that $12,000 system compared to a $2,000 system as far as "time it takes to" redraw, renders etc in CA.....
  14. Maybe we are waiting on RTX 30xx graphic cards to actually be available to mere mortals...or Bitcoin to fall...again
  15. Recently finished a 46 unit/mixed use apartment building that is 75mb + a 40mb "details" file. Things did not start to slow down till close to the end. I try to avoid images and PDFs added in Think it may just be a fact of life... Others using Revit for large projects have complained about slowdowns so It may not be just a CA thing. Eric CA 12 / i7 3.5ghz/ Geforce 1080 / SSD/ 16mb ram.