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About No1ZZTopfan

  • Birthday 02/04/1967

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    Missouri, USA
  • Interests
    ZZ TOP!!, KC Chiefs and Royals, Chief Architect, Microstation

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  1. Here are the four types I took a screen shot of from their site, 1 is electric.
  2. If you have it loaded, look in 'Manufacturer Catalogs', 'Sub-Zero'. The bottom three sub folders might have what your looking for. Or, look online at 3D Warehouse.
  3. No, I didn't. I wanted to see if I could find a solution without doing so. My apologizes. However, I was able to figure out the issue. By changing the structure thickness in each of the manual roof planes. See attached.
  4. Having a bit of trouble. Created this shed with manual roof planes to match an existing shed but when I changed the gable & eave depths from 7 1/4" to 2 1/4" this happened. I can't seem to find the settings to fix the openings or gaps. What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
  5. @MarkMC Yes!! That's it. I had feeling it would be something so simple!! Thanks!!!!! Here is the finished product.
  6. In need a bit of assistance, please. I'd like to place the cabinet door panel onto the curved polyline shape shown in the attachment. Would anyone have a suggestion(s)? I'd be most grateful. Thanks.
  7. Ok, that's enough torture (if any). Here are some pics some of you have been waiting for. Pic 1 - Furniture disabled. Pic 2 - Furniture enabled. Seating would swivel, of course. Lighting over pool table disabled for shot. Pic 3 - Doors closed, chairs turned away. Lighting over pool table disabled for shot. Pic 4 - Vector view (per request). Still needs adjusting to fix the overlapping issues when the doors are open. To work in the real world would take allot of work. Suggests for improving welcome.
  8. It would but the real question is how I did it. Took me a few days but finally got it. I'm sure most of the veterans could do it in far less time but for me, its an great achievement on my part. I'll post both the vector and rendered version tomorrow. :-)
  9. Look very close and tell me if you can find the hidden bi-fold door. I'll post where its at in a few days. :-)
  10. It works great but one problem. I can only apply it through material painter and it puts the pattern on top of the concrete walls. Look closely under the windows on the left.
  11. Scaling didn't work to my needs (see attachments). I couldn't get rid of the tile lines. I tried just about everything that I could think of with my current knowledge of the software and could not get it to work the way I want it.
  12. I made something similar that you can use to create the door with.
  13. Sorry, probably should have added this to the original message. This link is what I'm referring to. I'm trying to duplicate it.
  14. I would like to add the paint sample attached (med_sprinkle) and use it on the garage floor but each time I create the material it comes out as tiled. In addition, when it is solid its massive instead of regular size (see garage pic). Any suggestions/tips would be most grateful. Thanks. Using CA12 on Win10Pro