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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. In order to create a "Path" one would have to be able to use 2D CAD tools to create the "Path" and Home Designer Interiors has no 2D CAD tools at all, so no path or walk- through creation is possible. I searched for KB-02021 in the Home Designer Knowledge Base and could not find such an article. I did find such an article in the Chief Architect Premier Knowledge base which applies to Chief Architect Premier and Chief Architect Premier Interiors, neither of these programs have anything to do with Home Designer Interiors, they are vastly different applications with vastly different prices (Chief Architect Premier Interiors costs about $2.000.00 and Home Designer Interiors costs about $80.00). There is a website for Home Designer that includes its Knowledge Base and for Home Designer Users they have provided a forum called "Home Talk" for Home Designer Users, so be advised please. DJP
  2. Robert Lackore came up with a workable solution using existing tools in Chief Premier, others opinions aside, he solved your problem, do what he suggested. DJP
  3. I downloaded your file and edited it in my copy of Version 10 in Windows XP x32 while making a You Tube video of the results, you can view the video here: https://youtu.be/jQx7gsUahyU DJP
  4. It may have nothing to do with X6 or X7 but well may be about the total RAM on your PC to service and support PDF and images. I have never had this problem since importing of PDF files first started but our PC's probably do not match in terms of hardware. I would first suspect that before I would suspect the software. DJP
  5. I export my plan and elevation views as AutoCAD dwg file formatted views to then share with Structural Engineers, works for me for decades. DJP
  6. Yes, of course. Here are some help articles (Knowledge Base) that might help: http://www.chiefarchitect.com/search/?q=daylight+basement DJP
  7. One's materials list is a direct reflection of how accurate your 3D model is. If your model (plan file) is carefully and accurately done from foundation to roof ridge then it will be a reflection of how much material will be needed in the field but if you took 3D shortcuts of any kind and did not carefully assign materials to objects then to that degree it will be inaccurate. You control the accuracy of your materials list by how carefully you create the plan file and nothing else. Most new users to not yet have the skill necessary to create an accurate 3D model (plan file), perhaps you are different. When I do a plan file for materials list, it usually takes me many hours longer than otherwise because the plan file must be checked, checked and checked again to make sure all is correct and you must know what is not correct from guesses. DJP
  8. You manually draw the walls of the second floor over the garage, then manually do the new garage roofs or I suppose you could just autogenerate them. Make a copy of your existing plan and practice doing that until you get the hang of it. DJP
  9. Mike illustrates what I often point out and that is that software does not "think". It is preprogrammed but in the end is merely a mechanical device that the end user operates through settings and procedures to obtain a result. It is then a matter of study and practice to then master the tool that is Chief Architect Premier. DJP
  10. Preprogramming controls that, it is a limiting factor, I recommend you replace your wall with something you can more closely control just in that area (slabs, soffits, etc). DJP
  11. Check out these Knowledge Base Help Articles: http://www.chiefarchitect.com/search/?q=layout+template DJP
  12. Your second bedroom has no closet, otherwise I see nothing that requires attention. You do NOT need an Architect to finish, you have already do the Architecting yourself. You do need a structural Engineer Licensed in your State to design the foundation. DJP
  13. Look under 2D CAD - Line tools - Sun Shadow, once that is created you have total control over the Sun and shadows. DJP
  14. AutoCAD is by default 2D only, so imports will be 2D from AutoCAD. 3D DWG files can be converted to symbols in Chief Architect but they are, thereafter symbols, limited to the parameters of such objects. I find that importing a DWG (AutoCAD native) file can save time in that you import it and then trace over it with Chief's 3D tools. Used properly it can be a real time saver, just know the limitations of what you are working with. DJP
  15. The original quality of the PDF file is a large factor. A grainy PDF, I agree is useless but the fault resides in the original document. I have used PDF and image imports for years with great success and time saved but only with high quality original documents. DJP
  16. There are a couple of methods that one can use on Roof Planes: 1. you select the roof plan you want to alter-move and then select the "Transform-Replicate Dialog tool" where you can precisely move-copy or rotate the selected object 2. Using the Roof Plane dialog you can manipulate the values in the various input boxes to move or change a roof plane's height etc. Next time you try to attach a plan file or image be sure and finish the job by clicking on "Attach this File" command DJP
  17. You can turn on and off 'Temporary Dimensions" (there should be an icon for that in the right hand toolbar) or you can turn them on or off under "View - Temporary Dimensions". DJP
  18. No one would be happy with such performance. I looked up your video card and it is a good one which makes your complaints all the more vexing. Try updating your software video card drivers and see if that helps. You should also make a formal complaint to Tech Support for sure. I do hope you get it solved. DJP
  19. Here is a You Tube video of me doing what I think you are asking about, forgive me if I missed the point of your question: DJP
  20. Daniel, the hardest way to learn Chief Architect is while you are under pressure to complete a project. It is easier on you to first learn how to use the software and its many tools and settings on simple test plans and then apply your new earned skills to an actual project. In order to offer specific help, I need to better understand in detail, what you are doing-trying to do. DJP
  21. The "Edit Layout" tool is for adding and subtracting lines produced by the 3D model. LInes drawn manually using 2D CAD tools are not editable using the "Edit Layout" tool. The Edit Layout Tool is only available while working on an open Layout file. Sometimes when sending a view to layout certain unwanted lines can be added or needed lines go missing during the "Send to Layout" process. The Edit Layout tool is for cleaning up those unwanted or missing lines. If one updates an elevation view the "Edit Layout" editing done priorly will be lost and have to be redone, so such work is best done right before printing only. DJP
  22. I run Chief Architect and AutoCAD from time to time, I also use Adobe Acrobat Pro, Corel Paint Shop Pro and other applications simultaneously. I have never noticed any unexpected problems for the last several years, I believe that the problem is probably based on a specific PC or Mac hardware as opposed to software based. Doug Park is correct in that to actually diagnose a problem, one needs specific information such as is commonly required for Tech Support help. DJP
  23. I opened your file in X7 and I did not experience what you did. it stays put in all camera views. DJP
  24. Chief Interiors costs about 2K$ and Home Designer Pro 2016 costs $495. If I were an interior designer I would pay the extra money for Interiors for photo realism alone. It is your money and your decision, you get what you pay for in terms of money and your willingness to learn, study and practice. DJP