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Everything posted by robdyck

  1. I think the bi-folds are what's up. They appear to be above the floor. If you want a gap under the door and if you want it to model correctly I believe you'll need to make your own symbol. Look closely at the difference, top & bottom. Mine has a 1/4" gap at the top and a 3/4" gap at the bottom. CA's: Mine:
  2. As you already mentioned, this already happens. The question is: why? I can't help but wonder if further development of this is warranted or beneficial. This feature seems either too specific or not specific enough. As I mentioned in an earlier post, there is often no need to use treated wood in this condition and this would be based on regional building codes, material availability and builder preferences. Furthermore, there are different grades of treated wood which are used for very different applications. Simply marking a board as 'treated' in the materials list / schedules would not provide the Chief user or the end user (builder) with enough information to identify if a particular board should be treated lumber for use above ground, in contact with ground, or below ground (and the resulting different types of materials needed).
  3. If it helps for your rendering intentions, you can convert a single or group of cabinets into a symbol. For instance you could convert all the wall cabinets into a symbol and then have them fly into your model.
  4. There is none... I always have to move small dimensions manually. And still no leader line to auto connect it either:(
  5. 1. Select upper stair and uncheck automatic heights. 2. Copy upper stair to 2nd floor 3. Select railing and check No Room Def. and uncheck Pony Wall. 4. Cut / paste railing wall to 2nd floor. 5. On the 2nd floor, drag the stair slightly wider so the railing recognizes and follows it. 6. In section view, edit the polyline for the 2x4 wall between the stairs. I made a copy of the wall type and made the main layer 'Drywall 1" (not framing).
  6. You can't "delete" that portion. You can however perform one of several other modelling techniques, absolutely none of which are automatic to Chief.
  7. It seems as though you want the "Text' category renamed as DESCRIPTION, but it is actually displaying the auto 'Description' category. (which automatically displays the note type). Hard to tell if there is a bug caused by the use of the name description of if it was an accidental user error (this seems more likely).
  8. If they want to do this it must be an option. In semi-arid climates, where a sill plate is a significant height above grade, there is no need for treated lumber. Rather, a moisture barrier between the concrete and the sill plate is a better method to prevent sill rot and other moisture issues that can develop within the sill / floor cavity. The use of treated lumber can create additional problems like the corrosion and deterioration of fasteners, which is difficult to enforce (with trades persons) and to inspect. IMO Chief can leave the structural specifications to us and they're mandate should be to provide options.
  9. @mtldesignsThat's a great looking elevation page!
  10. You can add the height to the label. There's plenty of room in that column. It wouldn't bother me to leave the columns that don't apply as blank. %automatic_label% (%height%H) %automatic_label% (%width%w x %depth%d x %height%H)
  11. You won't be able to get the attributes for a symbol to show up in the same columns as framing attributes. I would use a 2nd schedule just for the WSW, either for the whole plan or on a wall-by-wall basis.
  12. Can you post the current file with the schedule you are using?
  13. For exteriors, I note things similar to you Michael, with one exception. I place all notes in a line across the top and/or left of the elevation view. It can make it much easier for plan readers to identify all the notes and can help ensure none are overlooked.
  14. You could use an elevation camera. This example uses the 3d framing layer set with framing labels turned on.
  15. Insert the CAD detail into the wall detail. A separate 3d object will not show up in a wall deatil. Open the 3d symbol and set it's schedule category to framing.
  16. When creating a view that is larger than the active view, I believe Chief breaks it down in to squared images and has to render each image at the set sample rate. The 3000 pixel wide image was rendered at 16 sub-images of 2000 sample each. Yes, that takes exponentially longer than using the active view size. Consider that the active window has usually completed its set sample rate prior to a user exporting the image. The larger export requires the render to start from zero and repeat for each sub image.
  17. artifacts? Can you be more specific? Maybe a screenshot with them highlighted. Shadows...simple. I put the window blinds in after I had already created that image!
  18. I changed the ceiling material, dark shower wall tile, light shower wall tile, 'glass lighting', glass for wall sconces, mirror frame, taps, cabinet hardware, flooring.
  19. Materials list or the 3d model? Yes for the mat list, no for the 3d model.
  20. Don't place a truss in an area where that condition is present. That applies to placing a truss, replicating a truss or copying a truss. If you want / need a truss in that type of area, then you need to uncheck "Use Special Snapping" and check "Lock Truss Envelope and Webbing". You can then place that truss anywhere you want.
  21. This happens quite often and can be difficult to just 'notice' which trusses aren't spaced correctly. Interestingly enough, I just performed this function and had the same issue. It is because of the "Use Special Snapping" setting. Simply uncheck this for the truss to be copied and then perform the multiple copy function and they will stick to the specified spacing. This will also prevent the trusses from stretching / retracting automatically. If you use the transform/replicate tool, the truss can have "Use Special Snapping" enabled and the spacing will be correct, yet the trusses will still stretch / retract automatically.
  22. You should save your camera views and create a light set. A light set should be created for each room or each camera that will be rendered. You'll then need to edit the backdrop, sunlight, lighting, rendering techniques and materials. I created 2 cameras, saved them. I did change a few materials.
  23. For this type of task, I've often created my own clipboard of sorts. I'll add all the notes to the note schedule cad detail and locate them all beside or above / below the note schedule. I then keep that cad detail open in a different window and drag it to my other monitor. I then copy/paste notes from one window to another.
  24. There is not. I've often wished for the same thing.