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Posts posted by Larry_Sweeney

  1. I have a couple of foundation wall connecting problems for an as built foundation I'm trying to represent. I seem to remember there was a thread some time ago on this, but I could not locate it.


    1. Angled wall connecting to a 90 degree corner. Is there a way to have the look of a proper connection without using CAD "fill-ins"? (Images "Wise foundation 1" & "Wise foundation 2")


    2. I want to extend the thick wall 6" past the corner. (Image "Wise foundation 3")


    I've attached the plan for the foundation.I'll be out of my office most of the day so I will not be able to respond to any questions till later in the day. Thank you to all in advance for your time and advice.


    Wise foundation 1.JPG 

    Wise foundation 2.JPG

    Wise foundation 3.JPG

    Berlins Wise

  2. Joe............I've been doing a little experimenting with this problem. First I moved the half wall, which was lined up with the back of the cabinet, out of the room. Then I applied the molding to the top of the cabinet, which went all the way around as it should. I then moved the half wall back to it's correct position and the molding stayed. ----------- interesting.

  3. Michael...............I thought that the/a cornice (or cornice molding) was a series of moldings  put together for a certain look, whereas a crown or cove was just a particular type of molding that could be part of the cornice.


    To All........After reading your advice I realized that my cabinets were not up against an invisible wall or room divider, but the back of the cabinet did line up with a half wall used to support a bar height countertop. This half wall was causing my problem. I don't know if CA would call this a bug, but to me it is. Thank you to all for your advice. Have a great day.

  4. I have a wall cabinet hanging from the ceiling with glass doors on front and back and is exposed on all four sides. I attempted to add a cornice molding, but it is only on the sides and the front. Am I missing something or do I have to install the cornice on this cabinet manually because this is a "flaw" in CA? As always I appreciate your time taken in answering my questions.

  5. My guess is that you will have to do it manually using a 3D molding p-line. This may still prove to be a little tricky where the horizontal line of the ceiling changes to the sloped ceiling area at the corners, but I believe it can be accomplished.  Think how it would be done in "real life" and getting the crown molding to match up and come together in those areas. If I get a chance later today I'll try to show an example.

  6. This is the first time I've tried to use the new X8 3d viewer with a client. When I go to "Export/Export Chief Architect 3D Viewer File" it's greyed out. Am I missing a step or what? I have the file opened that I want to export. Thanks in advance for your help.

  7. From your pictures it's hard to tell what I'm looking at. This looks like some type of new construction and not a typical Mansard style roof. The "stone" material is slate. Slate normally is installed on much steeper pitches. In the picture it's hard to tell what the pitch is, but it doesn't look steep enough for the use of slate. Slate was used quite often (if not always) during the time when the Mansard style was poplar, but only on the steep pitched area. The flatter top and overhang sections were almost always flat seamed tin. To save on cost today these less sloped areas would probably be covered by rubber membrane roofing. One thing most people don't think about is that a flat seamed tin roof, properly installed and taken care of, can last 100 years. A rubber membrane roof won't last a third of that time.

  8. Monty..........I would design it just like you would build it. The pitch on the overhang area should be no less than 1.5/12 and 2 to 2.5 even better. It depends on where you locate the gutter and how deep you make your overhang. The material for roofing this overhang should be either flat seamed tin or copper. The use of any other material and I'm sure you with run into water problems in short order. Before doing a project like this, do your "homework". If at all possible study some actual Mansard roofs up close. If that isn't possible, you should be able to find info on the internet. What area of the country do you live in? Snow load & ice damming could be a factor you should think about also.

  9. Monty............Building a basic Mansard roof style in CA is fairly easy, using three roof planes, especially with the roof improvements CA has added with the last couple of versions. The complexity comes in when you start adding all the molding details that are usually associated with this type of style. One thing to remember is that the overhang does not have a flat pitch. Almost 100% of the time this overhang had a "built-in" gutter and the overhang was pitched accordingly to pitch the water to the gutter. I've seen not only a low pitch coming off the steep pitched roof to the gutter, but also a slight pitch from the outside edge of the of the cornice back toward the gutter. This all can be shown correctly in CA, but is quite time consuming to get everything correct. It's much easier to show a well drawn out cad detail of this and just get it "close" in the 3D model. As for myself, being and experience user showing a lot of historical detail on my projects, I would consider it a challenge. If you are a fairly new user, well-- good luck.


    Chief I pay my ssa fees. Is now the time for you to start nickel & diming us to death?  I see you changing the rules when we are already in the game. I call FOUL.



    This is my thought also. What will be next and how soon.-------------Only half charge for tech support for SSA members!  :( We just got a increase in our SSA.'re treading on very thin ice with this approach. :angry:

  11. I recently downloaded X8 beta and loaded my annosets and layersets from X7. After doing so I decided to "revamp" my annosets and layersets setup. I have way to many. Is there a way to delete certain annosets and layersets? I have no plans in X8 at this point (if that's an issue). If this isn't possible to do what is my options? ----- unistall and start over? I've done searches on this and so far I have not found anything on the subject. As most of you know, searches can be real finicky at times if they aren't worded correctly. As always, all advice is greatly appreciated.

  12. Thanks to all for your suggestions. After many attemps trying to bring my Bonus & Manufacturer Libraries from X7 to X8 with different suggestions I finally got things moved. The first thing I tried was using the library download manager, but I was having problems right from the start. I'm starting to think my problems are with my computer. Three times in the last two weeks my computer has flashed a blue screen for about a second with comments on it and then restarts. After it restarts I open it in safe mode and then shut it down and restart it. I don't get a chance to read what's on the "blue screen" before it shuts down because it happens so fast, so I don't know what's going on. I'm about as "computer savy" as a newborn pup trying to walk. :mellow: I guess I'm going to have to call my "IT person". My main system is over 4 yrs. old and it might be trying to tell me something.

  13. I don't know if I went about exporting my Manugacturer & Bonus catalogs correctly, but the way I did it was to open my "Program Data" folder for X7 & X8 then just copied the libraries from X7 to X8 as explained here . At first everything seemed okay, but I then realized some of the textures and images are missing from some of the items. Can anyone tell me where to look for them? Is this the incorrect way to export the Bonus & Manufacture libraries from X7 to X8? If this is the wrong way could you steer to where I can find the information to do it correctly?

  14. I recently downloaded X8 Beta. My Core catalogs for the library are all there, but the manufacturer and bonus catalogs are empty. Is there a way to "quickly" download these catalogs? If I'm reading the Help content correctly, it's saying I have to click on each individual catalog to download them all. Isn't there a way to do a "one or two click" process to download the many Bonus & Manufacturer Catalogs all at one time? I don't remember it being such a pain to get them in previous versions, but then I don't remember what I did last week. :unsure:

  15. Terry..........Maybe I was having a "bad hair day" or maybe it's an "age related thing"  :wacko: , but yes, it's there now. For whatever reason I missed it. Sorry about that. Have a great day.

  16. Paramount....(signature?)...........I was having the same problem and this cured it. Reboot your computer, wait another few minutes (giving time for everything on machine to get booted) then before doing anything else, right click on your X7 icon and give it the admin. rights. This finally is what work for me a few days ago and so far everything has been opening as it should.

  17. Sandi...............I did what Nigel told you to do as you stated in thread #11. Everything is working fine now with X7 opening as it should. Thanks for posting tech support's information. I think this is a X8 Beta bug, but not everyone is having the problem for whatever reason. Have a great day.

  18. Nelson................I'm sort of having the same problem.  My problem seems to have started after I had downloaded X8 Beta. All my previous versions will open except X7. When I try to open X7 it says it's already running. (does not show it running in the task bar) Do you have X8 Beta downloaded? What did you do to finally get X7 working?

  19. I restarted the computer. I then waited 1/2 hour (football game). I then tried to open X7 and still got the warning it was already running and would not open. X5,X6 and X8 Beta would open. With no CA's open I held down the Control key and tried to open X7 and it would not open (said program was already running). I then opened X8 Beta. After that was open I then held the Control key down and was able to open X6 or X5 with no problem. When I tried to do the same with X7 I would get the warning the program was already running. I have no problem opening X8 Beta------just X7/