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Posts posted by Larry_Sweeney

  1. Larry,


    There are some books on Ruby you can download but the language IMO is not very well documented and it takes a bit of work and practice to do some of the things I do with it. 

    If you can tell me what you want a macro to do - I'll tell you if it's possible, practical and what I would charge for it.

    This is part of my problem. I'm not sure what I would want to do/use because I just don't have an understanding of ruby. (the old "CATCH 22") When I read threads on the subject and someone talks about what they did with ruby I think "hey, that's neat", but up to that point I didn't even give it a thought. So refering to your question I'll have to give it more thought. To be truthful, for the time being, I would take everything that's "out there" and what works for me I would use and what doesn't I would "set aside" for the time being. It's like everything else in CA. Some things I use all the time, some things I use now and then, and some things I've never used --- yet! (and that's mainly because I don't have a full understanding of the tool) CA is a great program that most people can get up and running with quite quickly, but learning the "ends and outs" of what the program can really do in unending. At least this is my perspective.

  2. Attached is a library with a lipped drawer symbol and block I used to create the symbol.

    Problem is that in vector views the edge of the molding I used on the outside is showing.

    Is there a better way to create this symbol (or others like it) that prevents the edge from showing up?

    Mark.............Forgive me for asking (maybe not enough coffee this morning), but what "edge" are you refering too?

  3.      I wish I could understand more about macros and/or using ruby. I read these ruby discussion threads from time to time and from the discussions I can see you can do a lot using macros, but I really don't have a clue to ruby or want to take what little extra time I do have to learn it (too many other projects), but someday I might have to take time. :mellow:  There seems to be a few very creative people on the forum who understand this subject very well and have put "the system" to very good use. I'm sure there are many others like me (or at least I hope) and I for one would be willing to purchase a series of these macros. Maybe they could be broke down into the areas where they are used along with training videos tied to them so if there are others like me we can all get on the "ruby band wagon"  and develope a better understanding of ruby. If this isn't possible can someone at least point me in a direction where I can learn a better understanding of ruby. (I just don't get it!) Maybe something by video. :)  I'll have check out Youtube and see what's on there.

  4. Todd,


    I also got the same results. I went to the second floorplan and clicked the "Perpective Floor Overview" and got the results shown in the attachment. Notice what I got circled in the attachment. When showing the 2nd flr. plan and then clicking of the floor overview what shows is the "full overview icon". I'll have to go back and open X6 and see what icon shows up when the "Floor view" is clicked on in the earlier version. I noticed you had your roofs showing on your first floor so I moved all the roofs up to the 2nd floor and the roofs did not show in the 2nd flr. overview. I'm not sure if it worked this way in X6 or not. I'll have to review this.


  5. Just played with this for a few minutes. Take a cabinet, split it vertical two times. Make the left and right opening widths your frame width. Make a left & right door model with bead only on left & right side, assign to appropriate left & right openings. For top & bottom you will need to do the same type of thing for the horizontal separation. This might work.


    Could also play with the Accessories Pilaster option for the verticals & make a model for the horizontal separation (frame).



    If i'm following what you are saying the labeling of these cabinets will be pretty wild in plan view.  :unsure:

  6. Bill-----So it's my understanding of what you did was to make the "bead" as a custom door unit for areas of open shelving-----correct? Where there are doors and drawers you would make custom doors and drawers with the "bead moulding" around the outsider perimeter. I guess this is as close as it can be done in CA. This is a common feature for cabinets in our area also. Many of the homes I work on are restorations or reproductions of early architecture of this area---(early 19th century).

  7. Has anyone dealt with this problem? I have a customer that wants me to design a library with a late "18th century" look. With this idea in mind he wants beaded stiles and rails on all the frames. I suppose I could get "the look" by making custom doors and drawers with a bead around them, but how would I accomplish the beaded look where there is open shelving? Is there something in the bonus cabinet catalogs that accomplish this look? As always all advice is very appreciated.

  8. Walls work most of the time, but if you go with sloped sides you may have to use p-solids. There are manys ways to accomplish fireplaces. It depends on the look you are after, how you want it to look in plan view and how it is actually going to be built. This is an area that needs improvement in CA. As you gain experience in this program items like fireplaces are fairly easy to figure out. It's just that the "experience part" can be very frustrating at times. There are many threads on this forum about this subject in the "new" and "old" ChiefTalk. Try doing some searches to learn more on the subject if needed and how others accomplish fireplace problems.

  9. I've been away from CA for a couple of months on other projects but I downloaded X7 beta recently and I'm getting ready to start a new project (actually three) and am wondering what are the thoughts on the forum with using the beta version for new projects. Does anyone have any misgivings for doing this? Thanks and always appreciate everyone's advice.

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  10. I run into this all the time. First open the symbol and check to see if the 2D cad block is checked to be transparent or not  post-76-0-87668700-1418661726_thumb.jpg. If it isn't then I've found that rather then "fight" CA I just make a filled rectangular polyline the size of the table top and then block it with the table so if I move the table the filled rectangle moves with it.

  11. I've been harping about better control for windows for years.-----Good luck! Have you ever seen an exterior sill with no slope? CA must have because that's the only way they make them. Oh, I know you can add your "own sill" on the exterior of the window, but it attaches to the outside bottom of the flat window frame alon. Also, when attaching a window stool to the inside, there should be an option to set the stool to the lower sash (double hung) instead the the bottom frame. There has been many discussions on windows (and  doors) over the years and as of yet very little has been done for a "do over". CA keeps talking about making an accurate 3D model. This is a big factor in the total picture for a good 3D model.

  12. First you have to make sure you have built all your framing. Next "shoot" a view with your 3D camera. Open your layer sets up and use your "3D Framing Set" layer set. Make sure in that layer set you have your framing layers on (checked) that you want to view. That should do the trick.

  13. Go to Preferences and under Edit check in Behaviors and see if your "Edit Type" might have concentric checked instead of default. It looks/acts like to me your concentric got checked somehow.

  14. What type/age of home do you have? Bucks County is known for some great early homes. I have worked as a restoration contractor/designer since the 1970's. I've done everything from full blown restorations to additions/renovations of early homes, to new homes that could pass for a 220 yrs old home. Now almost all my work is on the design end of projects. If you have an old home and want the interior work to be "tastefully updated", but still have a period look I would be happy to talk/work with you. My son lives near Doylestown and we visit the area quite often. I live about 2 1/2 hrs. away in north central Pa. near Bloomsburg. I am quite busy, but I never try and pass up older home projects. If you would like to discuss your project and our schedules would work, you can contact me by the information below. Thank you and have a great day.


    Larry Sweeney
