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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. Not if there will be revisions. Your revisions will become lost in a layer set you are no longer using.
  2. Click the plan view and open the layer set that opens as a child tool....sounds like you are clicking the layer set icon for the layout page and not the view window.
  3. One template plan for plan for layout files.
  4. the page the revision was entered on and make the change there. The revision index will then update.
  5. I think if you double click on the table it will open.
  6. Break the roof plane(s) and pull them back. Use the manual roof tool to create the new roof planes, set the fascia heights to match. Once you have the roof planes "roughed in" you can use the join tool to ensure everything meets up as it is suppose to.
  7. All standard notes are in the layout template, everything else is in my plan template or in my library to drop in where I need it.
  8. I keep everything in Dropbox. Doesn't matter which computer I am sitting at, my template plan is located in the Dropbox and Chief is pointed to go and get it from there. All preferences and defaults are there for me.
  9. Lew that macro example is totally bogus! You described something that is taken care of in the profile templates for the plan and layout files. You are describing that macro like its something that users do on a regular basis....I haven't used any of those settings in years! Long drawn out record-able macros would be for users that don't know what they are doing within the program, and aren't likely to learn with crutches like those.
  10. Not to be dis-respectful, but if you can't turn out a complete set of plans in one 8 hour day (typ 1800 sqft ranch) then you are not utilizing the full capabilities of the program. If it is taking you longer now than it use to, then you are missing the boat! You need to invest some time into your template plan so that when you open a new project, everything is already done for you. My template plan already knows where I want everything to go...layers, anno sets, cabinets, schedules, etc....I open that plan and go! You send me a sketch of that typ 1800 dqft ranch, and I send you back a set of plans by the end of the day. Plans, elevations, framing, and details.
  11. Select the landing and open the DBX. Use the radio buttons to select which level the landing is on. BACK, DEFAULT, FRONT. Depending on which level, you can then move the item to the front of the GROUP by selecting the button to do that. For instance, if you have multiple items on the same group and need one particular item in that group to display on top, you set the FRONT OF GROUP for just that item.
  12. Move the landing to the back or default position....or simply remove the fill from the landing.
  13. Michael, I set the wall cabinet to hatch fill with transparent checked...could do the same for shelves, but not solid colors. Thanks Perry!
  14. Stair Tool. Right now I use the stair tool for sections and details and for 3D visualization...but turn off the Stair Layer for construction documents and make my own.
  15. joey_martin


    Hello Steve. Glad to someone else from my neck of the woods. The price has gone up, but it does include the new version and all bonus libraries etc..better than the thousands I here AutoDesk gets for a yearly AutoCAD subscription.
  16. All of my line weights and colors are set in the layer workarounds needed. I rarely edit in layout. Everything you see live as it was sent to layout.
  17. I don't think so. I have tried many ways to get that, and unlike AutoCAD and a few others, Chief does not allow solid colored fills to have any transparency. Best you can do is one of the hatch fills.
  18. Following the recent thread about "style" and construction documents, my inbox has received a steady flow of requests. I am thinking of offering a 2-day training session on the way I model to get the most out of the materials list, and the way I then turn that model into the construction documents everyone seems to like. I am thinking of 2-days in Indianapolis in mid-late January. Before I make the arrangement, I need some RSVPs, so at this point I am gauging the real interest in what I have to offer. Please send an email to with "Indy RSVP" in the subject line. Nothing concrete yet, but if there is real interest, I will make it happen. I also have a few requests from South....Atlanta I am also looking at putting together a training package for Atlanta, or even Birmingham, again, if the interest is really there. If you are in the South and interested, send the same email with "Atlanta RSVP" and I will get back to you with some possible dates. Some are interested in online virtual training, and I'm okay with that as well, though you do lose some of the one on one, but any emails about that possibility can be sent with "Online RSVP". Along with my background in Architecture, I have been teaching on and off for 20 years, so it comes pretty naturally to me. Seems like every time there has been a downturn in building, there has been a teaching opportunity for me. Not only do I currently design and teach high school, but I am also a certified University of Housing Instructor through the NAHB. I am sure I can effectively teach Chief Architect to others, but before I set out on this new adventure, I need to see if the interests truly exists. I also posted this in the OFFERING SERVICES section as well. Thanks everyone,
  19. Michael they are Chief appliances inserted into base cabinets.
  20. Following the recent thread about "style" and construction documents, my inbox has received a steady flow of requests. I am thinking of offering a 2-day training session on the way I model to get the most out of the materials list, and the way I then turn that model into the construction documents everyone seems to like. I am thinking of 2-days in Indianapolis in mid-late January. Before I make the arrangement, I need some RSVPs, so at this point I am gauging the real interest in what I have to offer. Please send an email to with "Indy RSVP" in the subject line. Nothing concrete yet, but if there is real interest, I will make it happen. I also have a few requests from South....Atlanta I am also looking at putting together a training package for Atlanta, or even Birmingham, again, if the interest is really there. If you are in the South and interested, send the same email with "Atlanta RSVP" and I will get back to you with some possible dates. Some are interested in online virtual training, and I'm okay with that as well, though you do lose some of the one on one, but any emails about that possibility can be sent with "Online RSVP". Along with my background in Architecture, I have been teaching on and off for 20 years, so it comes pretty naturally to me. Seems like every time there has been a downturn in building, there has been a teaching opportunity for me. Not only do I currently design and teach high school, but I am also a certified University of Housing Instructor through the NAHB. I am sure I can effectively teach Chief Architect to others, but before I set out on this new adventure, I need to see if the interests truly exists. Thanks everyone,
  21. A cheat to getting the level markers where you want them is to place the "0" line with a CAD line and then place the level markers from that line. The temp dims will help you place those from the line, starting at the top and working down so that they don't get in each other way of the temp dims.
  22. And Lew, I think you are stuck in a situation where you can't see the forest for the trees. I think Chief is as much BIM as 98% of it's users want and/or need. The BIM you are pushing towards just doesn't make sense for the demographic that Chief Architect is pushing for. Besides a few special construction situation (that even AutoCAD would need a workaround for by the way) Chief Architect does everything I need and then some. I think you personally have only scratched the surface of the power this software gives you, and are stuck in the "what am I missing" mode. Not trying to offend...just think you are asking for a product that very few in this particular market care about. It's like you're trying to sale paintbrushes to an auto-body shop. While paintbrushes are nice and all, they just don't apply to that business.