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Posts posted by joey_martin

  1. Keep in mind Perry...we are on opposite ends of the spectrum. I don't need 7 different schedules and 52 macros for headers and notes and etc...( I still have NO clue what Ruby or is or why I should care) so some of the improvements you are seeing and maybe using are 100% useless to me. For the majority of my builder clients this....

  Plan Set_12_01_16.pdf?dl=0

  not only all they want, but it's all they are willing to pay for. Custom home clients can/are more involved, but my current system and workflow more than handles those situations. It's all the workarounds that I need reduced.

  2. @Joe_Carrick I have to be honest. I have looked at the videos for the saved plan view, and I am simply not interested. I see no benefit whatsoever to improve my work flow. It's just something, IMO, that distracts from the fact that the stair tool is awful, the soffits still don't frame, the soffit connections are awful in plan view half the time, trusses still to my knowledge don't auto frame, so we have to build framing and then go back and change it all if using floor trusses or roof trusses. I am still adding 2D CAD line workarounds in my con docs and if I had any desire to upgrade from X8 I would still have to use those workarounds. 

  3. I do basements here in Indiana 80% of the time. No slabs ever, and crawl spaces for the other 20% (just a short basement really) and I don't think i would ever put my basement on floor 1. Not the way I am wired, and not the way my brain works. My system works very well for me.

  4. The line weights on you plan file do not match the line weights on your layout file. Make sure they are the same.

    File>Print>Drawing Sheet Setup>Advanced Line Weight Options.

    Make sure they are set the same on plan file and layout file.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I have made the suggestion multiple times over the years to have the ability to select and shape footings as needed. There is no reason we should not be able to form footings into pads as required along a stretch of wall.