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Posts posted by joey_martin

  1. Because it's in the attic and not on a new floor. It's a tricky thing to do. Check all the walls for room definition, especially the outside gable wall (which I always forget). You may end up needing to add a second floor, checking the box for the roof to ignore the upper floor, and then you will able to assign that bonus room.

  2. Use the EDIT LAYOUT tool and hold down the SHIFT key while selecting the area of the first floor. When selected, open the DBX and change the line weights, and also I make the color a gray scale so that it looks even more faded allowing the thicker, upper floor to stand out even more.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Program aimed at volume builders and/or developers looking for a long term relationship. Services.pdf?dl=0


    Also offer homeowner and small home builder services as well. 


    Sample "Builder Set" can be found here. Plan sets and their contents will differ from region to region, this plan set is typical of Indiana/Midwest. Plan Set_12_01_16.pdf?dl=0


    Caroline Plan Set_12_01_16.pdf

    Builder_Developer Services.pdf

    • Like 1
  4. I'm confused. What in the world is all of this about? I have been using Chief for close to 12 years (?!?) and have ALWAYS gone to Best Buy and grabbed a new HP off the shelf and add a GForce card if needed. What in the world is all this extensive testing for? I have never...I repeat NEVER had an issue with my OTC HP computers. 


    Does any of this apply to average small office designing homes and creating ConDocs?

  5. With all due respect to Mick and the others that are tossing out ideas, simply turn this job down unless you own a copy of AutoCAD that you can do this in. 


    The file that you have there is "Paper Space" it looks like, not the plan file. There are a couple different ways you can manipulate that file, none are quick, and none are easy. 


    If you take this job you will end up paying the client.

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  6. On 4/15/2019 at 5:44 PM, JPBDesign said:

    I talked to a Window Company today and I believe the Structural Engineer is just putting in the max numbers to get rid of the project.

    In other words...."I am going to question everything you say or do with someone less qualified to give their 2 cents as well."


    No thanks. Been there, lived that.