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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. I believe the "ticks" need to be smaller than the wall thickness.
  2. Why don't you do a test and change the value and see what happens? Trial and error is a good teacher.
  3. I place all text in the elevation before it's sent to the layout. I try not to add ant text in the layout 99.9% of the time.
  4. Thanks Jim. I knew it had something to do with the way lines appear.
  5. I think I remember something about that if your line styles such as dashes don't look right, then this setting could be the problem.
  6. Richard, BTW, I have found that many times when you have this situation, you can do view to cad with the elevation and it will look okay and then send that to the layout. Either way, when you have this problem, there's extra steps to do to make the elevation look correct in the layout.
  7. I find that this happens a lot. It's very random and frustrating. Just add a cad line in the layout if you want.
  8. It sounds like he wants construction docs too and not get paid anything until it's approved. That's not how it works. Maybe a 14 year old would agree to this but a 14 year old wouldn't have the knowledge to get anything through a permit office or likely be able to afford a program like CA. One thing he is right about, he'll probably not find anyone here to agree on these terms.
  9. That gives an interesting effect. I bumped up the settings and it gives a nice foggy look.
  10. I usually just use a polyline solid in an elevation for the exposed truss. Here's a quickie example.
  11. We have a free online meeting Monday, Sept. 8, 2014 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm (Central Time). If you would like to attend, then please send me an email using my email address shown in my signature. Feel free to call me if you need more information. I'm moving it back a week due to the holiday. Hope everyone has a safe holiday. Sincerely,
  12. I agree with you except just telling him that it doesn't work right doesn't tell him how to remedy the problem.
  13. Yes you can. Use a macro in Chief for the living area. That's the only way. There was a recent thread about this topic. See this thread.
  14. This is what I do. However if you have angled walls, there is a good chance that you'll sometimes have 1/16" dimensions at those walls. That is about the only time I'll round it off to 1/8" for those angled dimensions only.
  15. Thanks Joe. Never realized you could do that.
  16. You can also possible go back to an archive file that doesn't have the problem and start there.
  17. If you don't fix it when it first happens, then it can be hard to find later. You should have gotton an error when this first happened. It could be a road or sidewalk polyline, polyline solid, manual slab. It will be something that is 3D. I believe you can also get this if you edit a wall incorrectly in an elevation. Good luck. This normally happens when you're editing something.
  18. That didn't work. Good idea though. I did notice that if you select the cabinet, the cabinet moves by that dimension. However, if you select the sink and move the sink, the dimension moves with the sink. SO, the dimension is connected to both but only works with the cabinet when trying to move using the dimension. The only way to move the sink with the same dimension is to move the sink manually. This isn't right. Buggy.
  19. I will open a blank plan and place it, then close CA, reopen and try it.
  20. If you place a base cabinet and make it 80" wide for example, then place a vanity sink (I'm using round). Then if you run a dimension to the sink, you can't move the sink using the dimension string. If you move the sink manually, you see the dimension string move with it so that tells me the the dimension string is dimensioning to the sink and not the cabinet. This appears to be a bug. Has anyone experienced this? I can duplicate it many times. I changed the drawer to a false draw to see if it makes a difference but no.
  21. Jon, you assume that no one knows about writing off business expenses like a new computer or even the SSA payment not to mention other expenses. I have met with other people here in Houston, and have found that sometimes stronger computers only speed certain things up 2 to 3 seconds faster. Is 2 to 3 seconds faster worth and additional $600 to $900? Not for me. I know someone who I work with now that has a lot better computer than me which is a desktop and find that they're having more problems than I have and have a little bit better NVIDIA card than me and no shared memory. They spent hundreds more and there is no huge difference in rendering or plan speed but I'm getting much better results with my elevations. I know that some people have fits if something takes 2 or 3 seconds longer to do as well as having to punch an extra key to do something or an extra click, and well, that's okay. Two or 3 seconds doesn't justify spending hundreds more for me. You may think differently. As long as I can work in Chief at a reasonable time I'm happy. I'll also bet that most people here DO purchase the best computer they can. It doesn't take the top of the line computer most expensive to run Chief from any manufacturer and it certainly doesn't mean that if you don't have the latest and greatest computer that you are a DIY/enthusiast as you imply.
  22. Steve, why are you converting a polyline to a solid? Use a polyline solid directly in the elevation and the polyline solid will attach to where ever you start it, in your case, to the outside of the brick. No need to push it back to the brick. Doing this will also display the solid on the correct floor both in plan view and elevations.
  23. I'm afraid if I reply with what I want to say, Chief will kick me off the forum.