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Everything posted by Bill_Emery

  1. It's extremely important to have the product keys in Sync from one computer to the next when activating and deactivating. It's easy to have this information not consistent from computer to computer with several betas and several recent upgrades.
  2. I have gotten the same message running Chief on my little netbook, and for me it is the video card. However, I wouldn't expect poor performance from any recent Nvidia card, although I see it's only a GT, not a GTX. With recent versions of Chief the vector views seem more challenging to the card than the render views. I updated my drivers and solved the problem, but with my small computer the frame rates are slow. For me with the little computer performance is directly linked to file size. If I throw in a few sketchup symbols with high surface count the performance of the card really suffer. Turning on all layersets would certainly maximize the strain on the card. The GT cards have fewer resources than the GTX cards, and it might be good to look at how many gigs are available to the card
  3. Hi Victor, I have verified that it is running with the GTX 780 from the Nividia control panel. I also tried running it on the on board graphics card which runs X6 Premiere pretty well.
  4. Hi Michael, I usually have a copy of the viewer on my computer so I can give clients a little tutoring on how to use it. I've run earlier versions of the viewer on low end machines without problems.
  5. I've just installed the X6 viewer on my Sager notebook (I7-4800, with a Nvidia GTX 780) and although I've told it to use the Nvidia card,instead of the on board graphics, I'm experiencing extremely low frame rates as I orbit the model. I'm experiencing 1 frame every 3 seconds with the viewer! It's odd because X6 Premiere is running fine. I'm guessing that it's something in the settings for the card, but understand that it's best to let the card decide how to handle the program. Any Ideas would be appreciated.
  6. Thanks Perry, I never thought of dragging them!
  7. I do like those labels, but it's a little annoying to have to change the offset on each one. Gerry, and Scott: Thank you for the help
  8. Hi Gerry, Thanks for the reply. Specifically, I'm trlying to change the default for the label offset for the layout boxes. I know it's something simple, but just can't find it.
  9. I'm looking to change the defaults for the layout box labels, and I've not been able to find them. Can someone point me in the right direction.
  10. You can simply use rafters here; place them, open the DBX, choose Steel I beam, assign the proper material, and adjust the size.
  11. There are a number of ways to accomplish this depending on what you want to accomplish. An easy roof plan can be sent to layout to scale using the orthographic full overview, and then selecting top view It can also be done in plan view by selecting the errant roof planes and hitting the "show one floor up" or "one floor down button. These are two easy ones, there are more ways to handle this depending on what you want to show
  12. Just break the ridge of the large roof plane into segments and join it to the segments of the curve.
  13. I don't think you can reset them, but you can rename, and re number them so they appear in the sequence that you choose
  14. Download Autodesks free True View 2014, and you can save the DWG back to earlier versions. It will go back as far as 2000.
  15. This is working for me. Have you created all four floors in each plan so that each floor has the proper place to copy to?
  16. I'm glad that worked. The stairs should work if the floor defaults are close. I like to give them a nudge with the point to point tools to get them to reconnect. I've just replaced my old desktop and laptop with a Sager very similar to yours. How does it compare to your desktop with the Quadro card?
  17. It's best to use the "edit area all floors tool" and then Copy/paste/hold position. When you open a new plan to paste into, you'll have to create a blank second floor, and a blank basement, and must set up all of the floor defaults that you used in your original plan.
  18. It's still available. You should see the edit menu open when you click on an object. I believe the default position is in the lower left corner of the screen.
  19. Hi Joe, I hadn't seen the %box_scale% macro before; I do like that it shows the true scale and that the text size is always appropriate for the layout.. I still prefer to do the label as a text macro within the plan or elevation because I can have a two line title with with 3/16" underscored lettering, and the scale below with 1/8" letterling The downside of this is that it is not totally automatic (although I can copy and paste from floor to floor), and the macro text must be sized for differently scaled layout views.
  20. %scale% works for me; it saves me from making mistakes in labeling the scale on the plan, elevation, or layout manually. It is a little disconcerting to see a really odd scale on the screen in plan and layout. I would prefer to see simply %scale%; or some indication that a macro is at work here. I put and %scale% in the lower central area of each plan, elevation, and section.
  21. I've had data loss with dropbox. It might be good to take your working files into "documents" and then return them to dropbox when your finished.
  22. Brian, Thanks for the quick reply, and for noticing the product key. I'll call tech support.
  23. I believe the reasoning is that when you move or edit the auto dim, it becomes a manual dimension. Rather than editing an auto dim, I like to use a manual dimension for the things Chief won't get the way I want them automatically. I like to put these manual dimensions out of the way of the auto dims, until the plan is nearly final.
  24. Online deactivation has worked for me previously; but not for the past couple of days. I like this feature a lot. See the attached screenshot where Chief is asking me to deactivate the license on my laptop; but when I go to the web site, I get the message that there is no license currently active. I've turned on the laptop and made sure it is connected to the web, and still no luck I've turned on the program on the laptop, and still no luck. l finally deactivated the license on the laptop manually, and I can activate my main computer. I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this behavior.
  25. Yes, I believe that it's designed to work that way.