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  1. Yes you can. I've done much larger layouts for impervious surface calculations, etc. Mike, you print out many, many 13x19 sheets . Maybe a key map on one sheet that references the others...
  2. Just curious, why would you want to do this?
  3. A garage maybe like on Ferris Bueller's Day Off...
  4. So many questions I could ask... POST THE PLAN and get an answer......
  5. We all do and here are some 'obvious' signs....
  6. Indeed. I did insult you. Forgive me. When I see simple question posted by a newbie degrade into nonsense, I just have to vent on someone! This time I chose you, Thanks for your thoughtful responses... Live long and prosper! Long live CA!
  7. Yes, it is always a good thing to chase off members! A simple question degraded into insults and humiliation. Keep up the good work. You do know that 'Joe Cool' aka Snoopy was a complete failure at being 'cool', just like you...
  8. CA is so much more than just an architectural design program. I use it to design logos, signs, custom cabinets, preliminary subdivision and commercial site layouts, landscaping plans, impervious surface calculations, CAD based pier,dock and bulkhead designs, simple models for 3D printers (just did a soap dish for my brother-in-law, worked perfectly), Right now I'm using it to design N-scale model rail road structures and track designs...Also working on some quilt pattern designs for my wife The list of possibilities of the program keeps growing and that's why I keep upgrading! Tax revaluation just came in on one of my properties at 1700 sq. ft. No way, 1500 at best! CA to the rescue! Submitted an as built plan, no questions, Lowered my tax bill by enough to pay for a another upgrade!
  9. WOW! Not sure how to answer. You can do a lot of work with X8 I think that was the last version that will let you convert some of the older files, so you should definitely keep that version working. As far as upgrading, I do it every year, even though I am semi-retired and could probably get by with an older version. It's an investment that keeps getting better, keeps the mind sharp, and just plain fun to use. I can always sell it if I get to bored. What other software company out there will let you sell your license for a small transfer fee? Its a win-win!
  10. So CA just lost another potential buyer! Keep up the good work you guys!! To CA, Please delete this thread and apologize to the original poster!
  11. Thanks Mick, Checked again, It is there, Your post must have moved the CA Gurus to grant me approval!!! Thanks!
  12. I am currant on my SSA, so why can't I download and run it from my digital locker? Trial version of X11 seems to be available to anyone....
  13. I was just fighting with a large multi-divided line for about twenty minutes, removing redundant lines, this is indeed huge!!!!
  14. Sorry for taking so long for a reply. No luck so far. Found a few. No 10a. Still, l will keep looking, but this is state of my office right now.. .