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Everything posted by SusanC
Hi Eric, Thank you very much for the video. I've made custom doors from solids and countertops and saved them as symbols, but had not thought to use a door or window as a tool for creating a custom symbol. Very clever. Susan
Dermot, Thank you for responding. I did put a request for this on the Suggestions forum awhile back, which I am assuming is the place to formally submit a feature request? Thanks, Susan
Ahhh!! Thank you again kellyh, Taylor_B, and JacobB for the explanation of how parametric and 3d objects are used in both the door dbx and the cabinet door dbx. Yes, @Dermot, would you consider dusting off some code and adding some more capability to the adjustability of the basic cabinet doors in the drop down menu of the cabinet dbx? There are many users who would be very grateful to be able to select a cabinet "framed door" option from the drop down menu and be able to control muntins as well as width of the rails and stiles. Thx!
Taylorb, that is very interesting! Is this also the case in the cabinet door dialog box? The library cabinet doors are 3d objects and thus not completely adjustable while the drop down cabinet doors are parametric objects with more ability to adjust?
Hi Marlem, There is a great series of videos on Ray Tracing on the Chief Architect website under Training Videos. See attached screen shot to know what to look for. The series is really well done and will help explain how this all works and how to get good settings for the lights. The woman who narrates it also teaches for Chief through their One on One Personal Training program. I agree with Mick, if you want to play around with the Ray Tracing, make a copy of your plan so you can adjust lights. Good luck and let us know how it goes! Susan
- 38 replies
In addition to having control over the muntins and even the width of the muntins, you also have the ability to change the width of the rails and the stiles of the glass panel door. In the screenshot below, see the section that says "Panel Frame Widths" and this is where you can make adjustments. Now if we could just get Chief to add these features to the cabinet door dialog box as well....
When I import a dwg from Dropbox, I create a new plan in Chief, and then import directly out of Dropbox. I don't download it first. When in your new Chief plan, go to File / Import Drawing dwg / browse out to your Dropbox and select the file to import. Hope this helps!
Screen shots below show a visual of what JacobB said - this can be done if you select the "Glass Panel" door style and then open the "Lites" tab to add muntins.
I work on both a Mac and a PC (Mac primarily and PC for RTRT) and have had no trouble other than some fonts had to be added to my PC.
Great! Glad you are learning Substance Player and finding it helpful!
You're welcome! I have good luck finding images that way.
Hi Marlem2000, You're welcome! By the way, another way of getting materials into your user library in Chief is by building your own using Substance Player. This is a great article with a video on how to use the tool. I use it a lot for custom tile, but you can also create custom fabric, wood, stone. There are limits to what it can do, but I've found it very helpful. Susan
Thanks Mick for the tip on how to open the .jfif. I did a Google search and found that .jfif photo on The Tile Shop website. There is another photo with it, posted by a designer who used that tile layout in real life, and because the photo was shot straight on, you can take a screen shot of a portion of the tile design to import into Chief to create a material.
Can you post the photo of the pattern you are trying to create in a .jpg format or a .png? I don't seem to be able to open a .jfif. Thanks!
Great job building a throw from scratch for the bed! Eric's suggestion of making your own material is a great thing to learn. He gave the link to an article and here is the link to a video on that subject: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/38/creating-custom-materials-and-colors.html If you can find a good, straight on photo of the plaid you want to import into Chief as a custom material, take a screenshot of it. Follow the instructions in the video to import it into your user catalog as a material. Then you can easily apply the material to your throw. Btw, I just put a request in the Suggestion Forum for a new bonus catalogs of throws and blankets so we won't have to create them from scratch...
Chief Architect has a series of 7 training videos on Ray Tracing (and you'll find recommended settings in there) that just came out this past summer. The presenter in the videos also teaches through Chief's One on One training and is a great teacher.
Got it, thanks!
And there is always my favorite, One on One training. Kayla Lockhart, who is the voice on the playlist of ray trace videos that Scott suggested, is an excellent teacher. The learning curve is steep with RTRT and it has been very helpful to have several one on one sessions.
Yes! I had checked "include in schedule" but forgot to check "show schedule callout". Label now showing. As for desired width and depth, so far I have not run into that when dimensioning in plan view and elevation view. Everything seems to be reporting correctly, but I'll keep an eye out for odd dimensions. Now I am going to head over to the Suggestions Forum and request a way to "mull" cabinets to avoid all of the extra steps needed to get an architectural block to show up. Please feel free to chime in on that thread as well. Thank you all, much appreciated!!
Yes, that layer is turned on. Still no label displayed. I must be missing something...
Thank you both for the suggestions! I'm thrilled to learn about "treat as one object" checkbox and I can now see the block in my cabinet schedule! One more question - how to get the schedule label to show on the block. There are a number of options under the label tab on the block, but I seem to be able to see no label or each of the individual cabinet labels. Any suggestions?
Hi, I often specify cabinets to be combined at the factory and would like to be able to "block" them and have them show up on the schedule as one unit. I've tried making a custom category in the schedule and the cabinet dialog box, but do not seem to be able to get the "block" to show up on the schedule or have a label. Any thoughts? Thanks! Susan
Hi Rob, I often run into the exact issues you are describing and Mark is definitely the expert on cabinets! I recently put a suggestion on the Suggestions forum requesting the ability to customize cabinet doors more easily through the cabinet dialog box instead of always having to do a work around. If you'd like to chime in on that request, it can be found by typing into the search bar "Custom Cabinet Door Styles" (be sure to use the quotation marks). The more users who request a new feature, the better the chance Chief will produce it. Thanks! Susan
I second the wall material region tool! You can also use the custom backsplash tool found with the other cabinet tools. Works on walls just as it does for cabinets. Just click and draw on the wall where you want the tile. Automatically cuts around windows, doors, niches, etc. Susan