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Everything posted by mrscott
Rick, I felt this way on other threads. But I have to disagree with you here. This thread is title Lumion 8 Teaser so it is pretty clear it is not 100% native Chief rendering, there are threads for that and I am 100% in agreement with you on those threads. Here, I would like to see those Chief users using Lumion for rendering, as Graham put it, show us how it is done. Jintu was gracious enough to provide a teaser. I would very much appreciate a bit more in depth example of importing a Chief Collada model into any version of Lumion or even Unreal Engine. At Jintu’s suggestion, I spent several hours last night getting my bearings with Lumion and am very excited about the possibilities. Chief is making great progress each year improving their capabilities and I would not be surprised to see some really special things very soon. Will it be to Lumion’s level? Who knows. Rick, thanks for your feedback. All comments are appreciated as we are an exclusive group we need to support one another.
One of the post I read said it was not as user friendly as Lumion ( my interpretation). I would like to see a comparison from a Chief user using both and see for myself. I own Lumion 6 Pro but am only not getting into it and it is relatively easy to use. Any takers to my question?
Thumbs up to Perry, Johnny and Glenn. I did that yesterday and it worked like a charm.All very constructive and helpful advise. Thanks,
Jintu, Thank you so much. Fast and quick but awesome. Ahh! The beauty of video...you can watch it over and over. What you did here speaks volumes about your character/. A true mentor willing to share his knowledge with those eager to learn. I recognize many of the steps from my limited work in 6 so, I hope the process has not changed from 6 to 7.5. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have inspired me to blow off trying to do a presentable image in Chief. I think I will shift to Lumion 6 until I can afford to upgrade and do all my stills in Lumion - along with a few videos. Seeing the wind blowing and people moving about will blow most people away. I have photos of my current clients lot and can try to emulate the landscaping currently there. Question: Do you know of way to take a photo of the adjacent home(s) (There is a house on either side of the lot) and incorporate it into the Lumion scene without it looking awkward? It would certainly add to the dynamics of the final image. If not, I can landscape around the property line and even show people walking in front of the house on the street and the trees blowing in the wind. Very cool and impressive. One more, This client has a golf course behind his house. If I take some photos of the area and send them to you, would it be possible for you to demonstrate, as your did here, how you would emulate the site? Again, Thank you so much for the inspiring video P.S. You are the Man! I only wish I could afford your fees BUT, I would be willing to contribute to your Paypal account for more specific tips and guidance.
Glenn, What was odd is I had a complete room. I then selected an exterior wall and started drawing it at the corner over the railing where it met the house and out a few feet. This typically replaces the existing wall with the new wall. when this was done the room still existed by with a blank end cap. That is the kind of result that is frustrating. It was not until I sued Eric's suggestion that I achieved the desired results.
Graham, Thanks for the link and comments. I completely agree. I only wish more folks, like yourself, would be willing to go into more depth on how they achieve the results they post. I look at Forums like this as a place to learn and share the wealth. Not boast about how nice your work is. If one is after business then come out and say..."I can help you achieve results like this, one-on-one". If interested see the link below. I actually have Lumion 6 Pro but have not had the time to explore it's potential as I need to get a better handle on CX and beyond. It is an income producer. The value highend stuff like Lumion, that could enhance the Chief models, has yet to be explored. First things First. I only wish there was an example video from one of the Lumion user on this site that would be willing to share the basic of how it is done and results achievable without having post production from several ADDITIONAL programs. I also have Photoshop CS5 for my photos but would have not clue what to do with video. Thanks again,
Eric, I tried the two sided wall before posting my issues but it was the railing No room Def and then adding the room divider I would not have thought of. The Interior End Wall issues are in another iteration of the plan. I'll try your suggestion on those as well. Thanks again for the constructive and substantive help. you get a Check Mark from me for this one.
Note: There are many "Loose Ends" that will be cleanup so please don't beat me up too hard on comments. What is most challenging, depend on the plan, is what and when to draw it. I often shift gears in a plan as ideas present themselves but obviously some of my procedures are the very thing that create my issues. I'm sorry, but I don't draw like the chief demos. Sometime I layout a rough draft and create the roof to see how it will work with the structure. I may adjust a few thing so the desired roof/elevation will work.
David, I know all of what you said but none of it help me.Not that I don't appreciate you reading my rant, all what you wrote served not purpose whatsoever. Eric, Thank you for the reminder of where to control the Walls. Plan posted. PC_Gram 2.zip
Is there a way to STOP ATTIC walls from Auto generating and is there a way to delete an ATTIC wall once it has generated? I'm mucking around in X9 with some ideas. I have a manual roof in place over a deck I renamed to a balcony and am getting several unwanted results I cannot correct. Example: Attic Walls I cannot delete (even tried changing the wall type and settings and layer and nothing works. Ext end Wall on the balcony were Handrail starts that is unfinished. I tried creating this space in a new blank plan and it works great but not in one I already started so how does one go about finding the culprit of this garbage? Unfinished Interior wall ends where room dividers are placed so I can label the space (i.e. Kitchen, Dining and Living rooms of an open floor plan) Thanks, Signed, Frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!(*&)(*&#_R*@YU#+_* )H F+@)*HF_@(#UFJ
Guys, what sort of money are we talking for Lumion 8 and or Unreal? I tried the Lumion 6 demo when it first came out for a commercial project I did in Chief X6. Also, would one of you guys be willing to do a short video on Lumion 8 and Unreal showing how you use it with a Chief Model for a basic Home on a lot with landscaping? Many Thanks.
Perry, I noticed Joe indicates his driver version in his signature. I'm going to update mine. Here is my Laptop
Do share what you are having built? Thanks
Guys, Thanks for all the help. There are several items I would like to see Chief allow us more freedom but for now I will deal with it. The video below points out why I don't like the way Chief puts Deck Joist (Framing) on the level below. Watch the video and it will make sense. Thanks again,
I see. I don't want to rebuild the deck framing because I have already manually re-framed two of them where the Covered Portion (room Divider) places framing breaks in the floor structure. If this is something I have to deal with the future all framing will have to wait until file material selection are complete and just prior to creating CONDOCS. Hopefully this is not the case. Thanks again for your thoughtful insight.
Joe, The structure is fine. I have it all set and looking just the way it will be built so, please don't take this the wrong way. What does you Structure settings have to do with Material selection?
My main concern is the Material data reported in the Schedule is PINE 3. Who names material like this! I created my own and called it. Deck Board, PT SYP#2 (Size is 5/4 x 6)
Not touching the structure only the planking material
Guys, I am finishing up a plan and was doing some manual framing and thus turned off Auto build for all but Walls. I noticed a small room and an exterior entry deck had no ceiling framing. When I selected to room to and Build Ceiling framing from the Build Framing DBX nothing happens. Never noticed this before but it this normal? Similarly, I wanted to change the DECK Planking on a number of decks, both covered and uncovered as well as the exterior stairs. When I select the room and attempt to change the material of the Floor it does not change in the Material DBX. It will change fine on the stairs, but not the decks. I have gone all the way back to the ROOM TYPE DECK Defaults and made sure the new material was there too and yet nothing changes in the plan. The only way I could change to a new deck material was to create a standalone deck with the planking I wanted and use the eye dropper on the plan Decks. This is not the way to do it as it does not affect the actual material in the plan or the Schedules I have to show the floor materials. It material looks great in the model but is not reflected in the plan data. Also worth noting. When using the eye dropper to change the material, some decks would change completely while others would require a board by board change. Any thoughts before I a report this to Chief? I'm really hoping I just missed something obvious and this is not a bug. Thanks, BTW, I will post a video but not the plan so if you need to see more please PM me. Thx
Awesome David! Once again you come through for us with great additions to our library. You Rock!!!! The roof video was terrific too. I learn something new everytime I watch your creations. You take the time to explain what you're doing and never make assumptions. Your depths and patience is Fantastic. Oh! My wife says you can also be pretty funny and enjoyable to watch and listen. Looks like you have another fan! Thanks again DMDz
Joe, I want to purchase the above. How do you want to process this transaction?
You guys are amazing and your direct input to resolve the issues is a tremendous asset to those of less knowledgeable. thank you for all you do!
CJ, No, it did not but, I rebooted and all is well. Go figure. thanks for chiming in.