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Posts posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Casings will show up with the pass thru as well, not sure how you get around that one.

    Don't use casings.


    Use a custom Symbol with whatever "Surround Features" and insert it into the opening.  Ooops!  We're right back to using a Custom Window Symbol and a "Back Fill Symbol" to match.  :D LOL

  2. I do find that there are Roof Planes - but if I rebuild the Roof it's not the same.  Obviously, you have edited the Roof Planes without matching points.


    The best way to create a Gable End, if you are going to rely on "Auto Roof" is to edit the Wall (Roof Tab) to specify that wall is a Gable End.  That hasn't been done on your Plan so Rebuild Roof Planes gives much different results than you are looking for

  3. I think it is a good idea. I would also like to see the ability to organize any tools with a custom parent. 

    Thanks Doug.  Maybe it's a matter of having several options:


    1.  Place a Custom Parent Button on a Toolbar and then add Child Buttons to it.

    2.  Place a "Place Library Item" Button on a Toolbar and then select a Library Folder - resulting in it being converted to a Parent Button.

    3.  Add Buttons to existing Parent Buttons - maybe or maybe not those that come OOB.


    Just thinking of some of the nice things that could be done :D

    • Upvote 2
  4. Rod,


    I don't really understand your question. 

    However, I will try to explain how I work with Layouts and Plans.


    First, I should say that my system is designed for multiple sheet sizes - something that Scott taught me - which makes it a bit more complicated to set up.  I hope that doesn't  make the following explanation too complicated.


    1.  I have a Layout Template that contains a Border, Title Block, Sheet Index, etc for each Sheet  Size (Arch B,C,D,E) that I use.  These are on Separate Layers in the Template - all on Page 0.

    2.  Within the Layout also on Page 0 are various notes, macros, grids, etc that provide information that I will use while working on the Layout for any given project.  These things have nothing to do with the Plan - they are just aids for me in arranging the various views and other items that I need in the condocs.

    3.  I have an 2 Annosets and 2 Layersets for each Sheet Size.  The Annosets are for the most part identical except for the CAD Layer and Layerset that they initialize.  The Layersets control if the items listed in #2 above are displayed or not.

    4.  Various Pages of the Layout Template contain additional notes, standard details, etc.



    Virtually all Plan development and everything related to the project is done in the Plan, not in the Layout.  Almost immediately when I have a Site Layout, Floor Plan, etc completed I send it to the appropriate Layout Page.  I do the same for the Elevations, Sections, Interior Elevations, etc.  That allows me to use the Layout as my access into those Views.  When I send a view to Layout, I do not create a copy the current Layer Set.  I prefer to have line weights, etc be controlled by the Plan Layer Set.


    I continue to work on the individual Layout Views by doing all work in the (Plan) view which automatically gets updated it the Layout as long as the work is just CAD (Lines, Arcs, Text, Dimensions, etc) as well as all Foundation, Floor and Roof Plan data.  Changes to the Model that effect Elevations and Sections require updating the Layout.


    I have all my Details in separate Plan Files that I can use on any project - simply by sending the desired Views to Layout and arranging them on the appropriate sheets. 


    I almost never do any additional work on the Layout itself other than Text Macros for the individual Layout Boxes.  In some cases I will crop the Layout Box but I avoid anything else if possible.

  5. Bryce,


    I've done this with my Layouts by having an Annoset/Layerset combination for when I'm working on the Plan & Layout - and another for when I want to print.  My working version has grid lines, file information, instructions on putting things together, etc (basically stuff for my reference) displayed that I don't want in the printed docs.

  6. Joe,


    No, not possible to do custom parent/child toolbars. 

    The best I can offer is my suggestion for a custom Toolbar Configuration that only holds tool buttons for that particular group. 

    You can then switch between toolbar configurations with 1 click.

    OK, I'll study that option.  I did contact support at Chief and requested a Parent/Child Button capability.  Maybe we'll get it in a future version - X9? :unsure::rolleyes:

  7. I called support to see if they knew anything - but they couldn't find a way to do it.  They put Library Custom Parent Button on the suggestion list.


    The idea would be that you could add that button to a Toolbar and then add Library Objects to that as "Drop-Down" selections.


    I think it would actually be cool if we could just select a User Library Sub Folder and have the DropDown fully configured and loaded.


    My reason for wanting this capability is so I can group similar Library Items and have them quickly available on Custom Toolbars.  They would take up much less available screen space this way and be more compatible with the way most of Chief's Toolbar Buttons are set up.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Try this:


    1.  Create a Wall Type that's a single Layer just as thick as the SIP's.  Make the Material "Transparent" or use "Insulation/Air-Gap"

    2.  Insert all Doors and Windows into the Walls

    3.  Create SIP Panel Symbols (Generic Shape or Millwork)

    4.  Place the SIP Panels up against the Walls, adjust their sizes, and center them on the Walls.


    It's the same method I use for Log Homes - basically stacking the Logs.

  9. I know how to create Custom Toolbars for Library Objects.  However, I would like to be able to arrange these with "DropDown Buttons" which could then have specific Library Objects on the DropDown List.  Does anyone know how to do this?


    Obviously CA has done it for Walls, Railings, Doors, Windows, etc.  I just can't find a way to do it within the Customization Tools that Chief provides.

  10. Glenn,


    I'm going to look into this further.  I would like to be able to create "Child Buttons" so that I can have a drop down Toolbar.  That way, I could organize my Wall Types for quicker access.  Do you know if this is possible for a user defined toolbar?

  11. Scott,

    The 2D CAD Block can't be offset to match the 3D y-origin. CA messed this up in implementing the Projection Window Symbols in X6. I've reported this bug before, but it hasn't been fixed.

    Remember the suggestion "Make 2D CAD Blocks match the 3D Symbol Offsets"?

    You are probably right about the Vector View of the back side - editing would be required.

  12. Better still, once in the library, assign them to tool buttons and create a WALLS toolbar for a one click select and use.


    Joe, I know that you have too many to put on a toolbar, but it may work for others as it does for me.

    That's a good idea Glenn.  But you're right - I have about 20 different Walls in my Library - plus Railings, etc.  It's forced my to organize my Library very carefully with Folders and Sub-Folders.  OTOH, for those that I use the most the Toolbar solution would be nice.

  13. Scott has it right.


    The Niche is a Symbol made up of Solids - 1 box, 1 cylinder & 1 sphere.  The cylinder and sphere were subtracted from the box to create the niche seen in the lower right of the pic.  This was then converted to a Window Symbol (Pass-Thru which is something I hadn't realized before was an option in the Symbol dbx) and the y-origin adjusted to accommodate the depth of the symbol.  I placed Stretch Planes at y=1/2" & z=6".  I also set the 2D Block as "None".


    I don't worry about the Plan View or the back of the Wall in most cases because I generally have these things in Walls where there's a void behind such as a plumbing chase, etc.  If I need to close the hole on the back side, I use a simple box converted to a symbol (12"x12"x1") as a "Drywall Patch".  I just have to inset it into the wall 1", stretch it to cover the hole and match whatever material the back of the wall consists of.  If I really want to get fancy, I can make another Symbol with a filled 2D Block to insert from the back side to make the Plan even more accurate.


    The end result is a niche that looks good in both plan and in 3D.


    Note:  The symbol I used in the example is fairly simple and is flush with the face of the wall.  It can be much more complex.  If anyone has one that they would like to have setup to work like this - just post it here and I'll have a go at it.  If there's a specific Wall Type you want to put it in with a back side Fill I can add that to the symbol as well.