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Posts posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Hi Perry,


    That works, but it presents a few problems with labels and schedules, not to mention the hassle with changing the sash sizes, etc. 


    It would really be nice if the "swing side" tool worked with "Sliding Glass Doors" instead of just reversing the slide direction.  It seems like CA intentionally programmed it to just reverse the slide direction instead of changing the "in/out" direction.

  2. Alan,


    You might be able to do it with a CAD line (arc) consisting of a repeated capitol S.  Not perfect, but it's an idea.

    It would really be better if we could define linestyles that included segments that were 2D rather than just linear.

  3. Most of the Sliding Glass Doors that I use are not recessed into the wall.  They are Vinyl Frame and are installed like windows.


    It seems that Chief's Sliding Glass Doors are inset to the interior face of the wall similarly to a swinging door.  IOW, in perspective views they are not flush with the exterior wall surface.  IMO, this is wrong - at least when vinyl or aluminum frame doors are being used.


    Shouldn't there be an option to make this appear correct in 3D?

  4. Me thinks Joe has been loosing at golf again.

    No, but it's been raining for the last 3-1/2 days.  I did get in a round with Scott on Thursday afternoon during a "sucker hole" but otherwise I've been cooped up waiting for the sun to return.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I have a Plan that whenever I place a Wall Material Region I get a Default Exterior Wall applied and I then have to go and modify that to be a single thickness material. 


    Is there a place to set what the material is used?  I can't find it anyplace in defaults and I really don't want a "double wall".


    I'm also having some trouble getting the Wall Material to snap to the edge (top/bottom/side) of the wall when editing it.  I don't remember these problems in Beta - are they a result of the patch?

  6. Lisa,


    You would be better of just defining "frameless" cabinets within Chief's cabinete dbx and saving them in your user library.  That's the only way you will get all the editing capabilities that Chief's Cabinet dbx provides.  IOW, you will be able to specify doors, drawers, openings, finishes, shelves, etc.


    Any IKEA cabinet symbols imported into Chief would not be parametrically editable and you wouldn't be able to change door styles, etc.


    OTOH, if there was a Library of IKEA cabinet doors and drawer fronts - you could simply use Chief's Cabinets (frameless) and apply those door and drawer symbols.  Setting that up in a Plan Template would be quite usefull.

  7. You've come up against one of the shortcomings of Chief's Symbol Import.  The problem is that Chief creates cabinets parametrically from the data supplied in the cabinet dbx - it's an internally programmed cabinet that CA refers to as a "Native Object".  Importing a cabinet as a symbol is not much more than you would get importing it as a piece of furniture.  The only real differences are that you can put a countertop on it, insert a sink into the top - and it will be on the cabinets layer.


    There is a way to create Cabinet Symbols using "Primitive 3D Faces" for the openings, etc.  I've done it but after several less that 100% successful results I decided it wasn't worth the effort. Each opening has to be a 3D Face of a different color and as I recall you name them "Drawer1, Drawer2, Door1, etc.  IAE, it's a PITA so I said "forget it" and moved on.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Yep


    Problem with that is you will get a door opening indicator in elevation.  Another  problem  (maybe),  would be it would show up in door schedule.  Probably better workarounds than calling a door.



    I am thinking a "Window Symbol" and using "Fixed".  One problem that I have with that however is that if you set all the Sash values to "0" then the glass disappears in 3D.

    • Upvote 1
  9. There are som cases that I've encountered where the materials tab doesn't list a particular element to modify.  Sometimes this is because the Plan was migrated from a prior version that didn't include that element.  In other cases it's something that CA simply missed in the software.


    IAE, I find that careful use of the Material Painter can take care of the problem.  But be careful and make sure you uncheck Blend Colors with Materials so that you don't get a mess.

  10. It does sound like a window that did not display. ESC would get you out of that. Do you have more than one monitor?

    Of course that was it.  One of the monitors was turned off.  That's where the extra window was.

  11. It must be some strange calculation. 


    Scott has 31 Posts and 6 Reputation Points

    Michael has 30 Posts and only 2 Reputation Points

    I have just 16 Posts and 2 Reputation Points


    Would someone please explain this?  Maybe DJP can devine it :D

    • Upvote 1
  12. I selected a Material Region to Edit - Then Selected EDIT

    When I subsequently selected Plan Material Chief hung up - nothing was selectable.  ESC got me out but if I tried to open another window such as Chieftalk before hitting ESC then I couldn't do anything and had to use Task Manager to close Chief.


    See the attached pic.  It just seems like a total "disable" of the window.  Maybe there was an underlying window that I couldn't see.


  13. I'm looking for a 4'x6' Tile Inset for a Wood Floor in the Entryway.  I'ld like something with a medalion and a field of tiles surrounding it with an additional tile border.  Does anyone have something like this or do I need to construct it myself?


    Maybe there's a pic on the internet someplace that would work as a material.