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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. I would use a Glass Railing Wall 8' high for the enclosure with a Glass Slab Door for the enclosure. Then I'd create another 42" tall railing wall for the tiled area, make it "No Locate" & "No Room Definition" and move it into place. The other option for the tiled wall is to create it out of a Cabinet.
  2. Nope! The only items I know of that can be assigned to a different layer and then added to the library with that layer are "Plants".I just checked the Symbol Category "Geometric Shapes" and found that it does allow the assignment of custom layers but it doesn't seem to be consistent.
  3. Mark, Chief doesn't currently allow Symbols to have their Default Layer modified.
  4. When there's no existing Molding defined in a room, using the "Room Molding Polyline" Tool results in a mess. Basically, the resulting Polyline doesn't correctly follow the inside room perimeter. I some locations the line will follow the centerline of a wall and in other cases it will jump to the far side of the wall. IMO this is a bug. It should create a polyline that follows the interior wall face of the room.
  5. I have a 36"wide apron sink that I like to use. It's 8" tall and fits all the way to the back of the cabinet. So here's what I do: The sink sits on top of a Cabinet that is 8" shorter (0 counter thickness)and only 36" wide. The adjacent counter tops butt up flush to each side of the sink.
  6. Yes, Rob - that's way off topic. Just a suggestion, I think you'd get better results if you started a thread specifically asking that question. But Perry is absolutely right. Create an Exterior Room Molding Polyline. It's much faster and it can actually be copied from Floor to Floor using the technique described in my 1st post.
  7. Perry, Perhaps I don't understand the objects you are referring to. Here are the definitions as I understand them: 1. Primitive Solids - Box, Sphere, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone, Face 2. Special case Polyline Solid created using the Build PrimitiveTool) 3. P_Solid (Polyline Solid) - a Polyline created in either Plan or Elevation and then "Converted to a Solid" 4. Slab - Special case of a P_Solid 5. Custom Countertop- Special case of a P_Solid All items listed in #1 are distinctly different animals and can't be added to or subtracted from any of the items listed in #2, #3, #4 or #5.
  8. Perry, P_Solids (aka Polyline Solids) and Primitive Solids are 2 different animals. You can use the boolean operations on multiple P_Solids or on multiple Primitive Solids but you can't use a boolean operation on a P_Solid and a Primitive Solid. The Primitive Solids are essentially defined/intended to be independent of any given Floor Level.
  9. It has been noted that often when copying an object in an elevation view and pasting it up or down to a different floor - it isn't copied to the floor that was intended. This is because the floor being worked on wasn't changed. If the following procedure is used the object will be pasted on the desired floor: 1. Change to the Floor that you want to Copy the Object to. ie: <1>, <2>, <3>, etc. 2. In the Elevation View, select and Copy/Paste the Object The problem would not occur if you are working in Plan View because you would automatically have changed floors before pasting but in Section or Elevation Views it's easy to forget that you need to be on the correct floor to paste the object. Note: This will not work with Transform/Replicate - it only works with the Copy/Paste Edit Tool.
  10. Kirk, I think several of us have beat this drum to the point where CA should just compile what we've asked for and see how much could be done. To start another thread in the suggestions forum would IMNSHO be superfluous.
  11. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that if you are in an elevation view and you want to copy/paste something from Floor 1 to Floor 2 you need to change to Floor 2 before you do the paste, not just paste it higher on the elevation. As long as you are working with the Floor set at <1> then that's where you are pasting.
  12. Kirk, You should search the Forums (new and old) for "Ruby" & "Macros" & "Labels". If that's not enough, talk to Chris Tenbrink.
  13. Hi Jared, That's even simpler. Do you want to always just show inches - never feet & inches?
  14. Jared, Here are the 2 macros. HeaderThicknessFractions arr = header_thickness.divmod(12) inch_frac = ((arr[1]-arr[1].floor)*16).round.quo(16) result = case when inch_frac == 1.0 "#{arr[0]}'-#{arr[1].ceil}"+'"' when inch_frac == 0.0 "#{arr[0]}'- #{arr[1].floor}"+'"' else "#{arr[0].floor}'-#{arr[1].floor} #{inch_frac}"+'"' end result HeaderDepthFractions arr = header_depth.divmod(12) inch_frac = ((arr[1]-arr[1].floor)*16).round.quo(16) result = case when inch_frac == 1.0 "#{arr[0]}'-#{arr[1].ceil}"+'"' when inch_frac == 0.0 "#{arr[0]}'- #{arr[1].floor}"+'"' else "#{arr[0].floor}'-#{arr[1].floor} #{inch_frac}"+'"' end result
  15. Jared, OK, so I'll make 2 Referenced Macros - one for header_thickness and one for header_depth.
  16. I'll work on it later. I'm assuming that you just want a user defined macro that you can insert into the Door or Window "Label".
  17. Jared, There are 3 Ruby attributes that would need to be considered for the Door or Window Header: header_thickness header_depth header_count The macro I gave you was just an example for a Ruby attribute named "thickness". To get something like (2) 2x8's or 3-1/2"x7-1/2" it would require a bit more work. Let me know exactly what you want and I'll see what I can do.
  18. Jared, Maybe this will help: arr = thickness.divmod(12) inch_frac = ((arr[1]-arr[1].floor)*16).round.quo(16) result = case when inch_frac == 1.0 "#{arr[0]}'-#{arr[1].ceil}"+'"' when inch_frac == 0.0 "#{arr[0]}'- #{arr[1].floor}"+'"' else "#{arr[0].floor}'-#{arr[1].floor} #{inch_frac}"+'"' end result It returns the closest 1/16". You can change that to whatever accuracy you want by just changing all instances of 16 to 8, 4, or 2 to get 1/8", 1/4" or 1/2" rounding.
  19. So the Patent was issued in 1961. Normally Patents are only good for 17 years - that's different than Copyright. I didn't see anything indicating a Copyright, so it would seem that anyone can copy the design and even reproduce the table.
  20. Michael, It's probably because your shadows are so long for so much of the year that you don't realize that they should be any different than the surrounding areas.
  21. Export from the Library. You don't need to zip it. The file extension is cabliz and Chieftalk allows that to be attached.
  22. Phyllis, Yes, I do use it as you suggested for various existing/remodel conditions. This is a real easy way to superimpose 1 or more cross-hatched walls without effecting the underlying walls.
  23. Here, I stretched the No Locate Wall completely across to the exterior walls and made the fill a black transparent angled crosshatch. BTW, if you save such a wall to the Library, you can then select it and draw right over normal walls without effecting them at all because the Wall is No Locate & No Room Definition.
  24. OK, this can be done: 1. Pink Filled Wall superimposed on the Blue Filled Wall 2. Pink Filled Wall Layer turned off 3. Blue Filled Wall Layer turned off The Blue Filled Wall is a Normal Wall. The Pink Filled Wall is a No Locate and No Room Definition Wall The fill on these walls could be anything you want and the Layers could be any layers.
  25. You can define different Wall Types with different Fills. You can also define different Layer Sets so that the colors are different for any given Layer.