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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. John, Here's a trick that makes a "No Context" macro work for either "Owner" or "Reference" objects. nplaces = 2 x = 0 begin x = owner.area rescue begin x = referenced.area rescue end end x.round(nplaces) The above will never produce an evaluation error. The "begin/rescue/end" sequences trap the potential errors. hth, Joe
  2. Arrrgh.... "Straight Wall Tools" I was looking in the scrollable list and just didn't think about "Straight". It would be much easier if there was a "Wall Tools" that expanded to include: Curved Wall Tools Straight Wall Tools Terrain Wall and Curb Tools "Search" works better than the scrollable list.
  3. BTW, it's strange to me that we have a "Floor Material Region" icon in the "Floor Tools" - but there are no "Wall Tools" available to supply the "Wall Material Region" icon from. Why is that?
  4. Larry, AFAIK, there isn't. However, you can select a material region and add it to the Library. You can then add a Library Object Icon to a Toolbar and select that Library Item (or just select it from the Library) when you want to use it.
  5. Dale, Do you have a "Wall Material Region"? That could be the cause - but I'm not sure. IAE, you can open the Symbol dbx and adjust the 3D y-origin 1/2". I'm not sure if it should be + or - but that will move it relative to the wall face.
  6. Dale, Place the wall material first. The symbols are designed to cut the wall material.
  7. Dale, See this thread for some symbols that work. You can change the materials to suit your needs.
  8. Johnny, I understand what you want is a 3D Texture that will show shadows in a Ray Trace. That's going to require a different approach for almost every conceivable situation. Board and Batt Shingles Scalloped Shingles Lap Siding Mission Tile Roofing etc. I've done some of these with different techniques (including moldings, 3D moldings, symbols, etc). The more complex the material - the more work it takes.
  9. Here's a quick example: I didn't bother to hatch the plywood underlayment or put in the wall insulation - but you get the idea
  10. Johnny, As I said, you can do it with a CAD Block and the Multi-CopyTool. For the amount of times you need to do that in a section or detail (probably at a scale of 1/2" = 1' or larger) it's not a big deal. I can assure you that in Chief the programming would be more work than it would be worth. Maybe if Chief ever gets to the point of providing 2D line styles it would be easier. IAE, it's easy enough to do with the above method and CA's prioritizing system isn't going to bring this to the front burner.
  11. This is something that would almost never be done in small scale sections. It might be shown in larger scale details (shingles for example) which could be easily done by drawing a single wedge shape (maybe even making a CAD Block out of it and adding it to the Library for future use) and using the "Multi-Copy" tool. As far as using profiles for wall layers, IMO that's a waste of programming time.
  12. I'm making the X8 Areas Macro Package available to subscribers for $15 and to non-subscribers for $25. This macro package relies on features only available in X8 so it will not work in any prior version. There's a video at
  13. Will, Now you're getting me angry. Ctrl_Mouse_ Wheel to read in this forum.....Really?
  14. The January 2016 Macro of the Month is: BlockName and is used with Leader Line Text to annotate CAD Blocks. This is very useful for annotation of CAD Details made up of Library Blocks. To change the annotation, simply rename the Block. This will change the annotation for all like Blocks in the Plan.
  15. Will, Nobody here get's uptight about such discussions - maybe a little tiny bit but it's NBD. OTOH, when we get a lot of bitching and moaning about why Chief doesn't do it the way another app does it.....
  16. Graham, Having programmed a rather extensive Windows Accounting Application, I can assure you that the DPI of the monitor is available and the text size in any dialog can be customized as to size. In fact, Chief already does that in the Plan, Elevations, Sections, and Details (text sizes). They just haven't applied the principles to dialogs. Icons are a different issue, being bitmap images drawn to a specific number of pixels. Generally there are just 2 possible sizes included in an App - but even doesn't have to be true.
  17. Create a Room Polyline and use that for the Fill. Break it at the door edges and drag that segment into the door opening. Move the Room Polyline to the "Back Group". BTW, as long as the Room Polyline is the "Back Group" you don't even need to break it at the door - just drag that side to the opposite side of the wall.
  18. The only way to do this currently is to have symbols for each of those placed where needed in the foundation plan. Symbols are listed in the Materials List. It should not require a macro.
  19. The only way I know of increasing the size of icons, etc. in Chief is to change the Display Settings (resolution) of the monitor. This will effect all other apps as well as the Desktop. Even more annoying to me is the size of the text in DBXs and a the wasted space in those DBXs. CA should provide a setting so we could adjust them. Note: The contents of some DBXs can be adjusted using Ctrl_Scroll Wheel, but that's inconsistent, not working in most DBXs.
  20. Scott, Here's a simple macro that you can put in the Label of any Door It displays the distance from the bottom to the handle in inches. Macro Name = Handle_Height result = owner.handle_distance_from_bottom result = result.to_s result = 'Handle Height = ' + result + ' inches' Enter that in "Text Macro Management" as a new macro, check the "evaluate box" and save it. Then in the Door Label select the "Insert" button and select that macro from the User Defined List This is a free sample. It might not be very useful but it's an example of how macros work. Line #1 gets the data from the door as a numerical value and assigns it to a local variable named "result" Line #2 converts that to a text string Line #3 adds 3 strings together.
  21. Another option - Convert to Symbol. But you need to do that in a 3D View where nothing else is present. A blank plan is the best way.
  22. Maybe set Angle Snaps to 90 degrees ?
  23. Just a side note: It should be a "Balcony Room", not a Deck. Decks are above the ground or other Decks, not above other rooms. It make a difference how Chief works - but that's much further along in learning how to use Chief.
  24. You might also try some of Chief's Bonus Catalogs. "Event Planning" has some tents and arbors, depending on what you need. You could use one of the arbors and add some flowers of a floral material.