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Everything posted by PitMan71

  1. Hello All Anyone know how to remove the (") mark from the pitch in the %pitch% macro? I am using that to label my roofs and while it's not terrible, I would like to remove the reference to any units. Thanks Shane
  2. PaulJohnson.plan.zip Here you go. I decide to post anyway. I still have cleanup work to do. Thanks
  3. Rene... There is no need to post.... I fixed it. Your YouTube video on roofs helped me get it sorted out. Thanks! Shane
  4. Rookie here.... Working on a home with a simple but difficult roof in chief.... It seems that all is required to confuse chiefs roof generator is some varying heights, varying pitches, and shed roofs. If you allow the wall to direct the pitch, the overhang gets less or more depending on whether it's steeper or lower than the primary pitch. Because of the changes in overhangs when the pitch changes, you need to "break" the roof and adjust the planes manually. The downside of that is the trim transitions at the edges with different pitches don't line up or clean up nicely despite the height of the shadow board being the same in each plane. I know that more complex roofs have been drawn than what I am drawing right now, But I can't figure out what combination of settings or roof tools will yield the result I am looking for. I refuse to compromise the design style of the home because chief can't generate the roof. Is there a way to allow chief to generate the roof on part of the home while allowing you to add roof planes for the porch sheds? Is there a tool that will allow you to draw the roof with lines and then generate the planes? Is there a way to clean up the transitions when using just roof planes? I thought I had learned enough to build to the roof on the house I am referring to, but so far working on roof is taking longer than the plan itself. Any guidance anyone can give would be appreciated. I plan to take another shot at the roof on this house in the morning. If don't have any luck I will attach the file so everyone can have a look. Thanks
  5. This was going to be my next move because I like things a certain way.
  6. I think I figured out part of the issue. I printed to PDF and then Printed that PDF to half scale and the textures all ran together making the elevation look bad. I am now taking a different approach to see what results I get. If there is any wisdom that you guys can provide on that I would love to hear it. Thanks.
  7. Rookie question: How can I send my elevations to layout sheet and plot so that it looks good? I used technical illustration view setting for this front and sent to layout. When I plot to PDF, the fl plan looks great but the elevation looks like garbage and you can hardly see it. (See attached) Seems like I have seen a post on this before, but I have been unable to find it. TIA. Edwards.pdf
  8. This DOES help. Thanks. It is frustrating to not be able to snap or dimension to the objects on plan or elevation view. Just seems like an obvious thing to me that you would want to dimension newel posts or columns in this case and the height of the beam above.
  9. How can I snap or dimension to a square post/column created by the railing wall tool? I used it to create 8" square support columns on a front porch and I can't figure out how to snap to the column object or to dimension it for that matter. Thanks
  10. Thanks for the reply. I have tinkered with the macro thing but have been unable to get it to work.... Most of the builders i work with dont currently get framing details, BUT i am considering adding it as a service... i'm sure once i understand how the macros work it will be much easier to get the results i am looking for. Your detail concept is really cool. and I need to look closer at the other tools in the ProPlan. Is it a one-time purchase? Would I need to update when CA releases a new version? Thanks Shane
  11. I have been considering adding on the Rabbit Pro Plan Template. Does it include the macros/functionality to label roof and ceiling joist framing? 2x6x12', 2x6x14', etc.? Thanks
  12. Yep. I see what you are talking about. I downloaded again and its showing the contents of the zip file is Zero bytes. i dunno whats happening. Maybe someone else is having better luck.
  13. It looks like maybe the OSB material got applied to your drywall.
  14. Looks like the plywood is the where the drywall was. Did you check the wall type definition? Your attached plan downloaded but didn't open for me. Shane
  15. Agreed.The responses were very helpful, so I am not sure why they would have been deleted.
  16. It was automatic except for at the one corner. I created it using a foundation CMU wall with CMU/brick pony wall with a brick rowlock on the top. To create the brick rowlock I used a profile I created. Hope this helps.
  17. plan. 2000SF Lily Plan.plan.zip
  18. Hey Joey I got the look I was going for with your help.... I have learned a lot because of your help. There is one small anomaly with the finished product and I can't figure it out. The brick course won't join at the rear right corner of the garage.... I have tried several things to remedy, but it's not helping. I can't figure why this corner is not behaving.
  19. Okay....Created Arch block as recommended. Moved to the general area in the gable where I want it..... How can I move it up and down in the gable such that the bottom is at an exact ht above floor? In the elevation view the temp dims I get when clicking on it are not editable like in plan view. I also popped a dimension on there from floor and I can't edit it either when selecting the object. Also, there are no dimensions and such in the tables when selecting and opening the object.
  20. Thanks.... I knew I had done something wrong. Seems like what you are saying is that I should create an "Architectural Block" as opposed to a symbol, which is what I did. Imma gonna go try that now. Shane
  21. All I have been using chief for just over a month now, learning new things everyday I use it. I do this part time so I am not spending all day on it. Anyway, so far I am enjoying myself as I learn. However, there are time certain things that seem like they should be intuitive , sideline me for hours. I created a barn gable wood detail made up of 3d objects extruded from polylines. \|/ This way I could rotate in Z and move it as a single object into place. My plan was to explode it once in place because I wasn't sure exactly the size I wanted it to be til I viewed it on the front elevation. ANYWAY, I have it where I want now, BUT I cannot for the life of me figure out how to explode it back into its individual components again. I have looked online and the solution, explode cad block option, isn't available when selecting the object. The block has not been scaled at all. Based on the solution I have researched, my gut tells me that the "Explode CAD Block" tool is not for symbols like this since it doesn't show up. If there is some other method that I should follow to group object I am open to that as well. Thanks in advance for any direction you guys can give.
  22. Okay... Rookie error.... As you said I had not create the foundation yet. Ugg.... The look I want is like the attached detail. Can I achieve it using the pony wall and dropping it beneath the floor? Or should I go at this some other way? Thanks