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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Did anyone check out the B&B as mentioned by Jintu in post no#2 ? I don't have them but maybe in X4 or X5? saw it mentioned on HomeTalk too now for HDPro 2014 I found a board and batten siding option. Download the CertainTeed 2013 catalog. Then, in your library, look under Manufacturer Catalogs - CertainTeed - Siding - Vinyl Siding Polymer Shakes - Vertical Siding - Board & Batten Single 8". Several color options are available
  2. I didn't spend too long there but some are direct downloads and others thru a FB face page yes but on FB pages i just clicked the set i wanted then i just right clicked on the particular image i wanted and chose "save picture". Also if you scroll to the very bottom of one of the texture libraries there is instructions on how to download ...a different way than above. M.
  3. great calculator , sounds like yours is as old as mine ...... perhaps the Windows software will let you print the tape instead? they have a free trial version ,so worth a look perhaps http://www.calculated.com/4/prd286/Construction-Master-Pro-Software-for-Windows.html update.........decided to download the trial myself and there is an option to "print expanded tape" under the File heading......
  4. "Arthur" posted this link over at the HomeTalk Forum and I wasn't familiar with it so thought I'd post the link here too for others http://www.sketchuptexture.com/ M.
  5. Hi thanks Glenn ....cos I didnt think of doing it that way how is sydney today ? my brother lives there..... I think Kirk was confused since he gave us a board and batten wainscotting/room panelling , I just wanted a siding material ...chose it , click done....
  6. Hi thanks for the time Kirk , guess you were posting as I was above , I/we are talking about Exterior Board and Batten siding rather than a wainscotting type material here as you can see in my images above. M.
  7. Hi Kirk , most common here is the 1x8 board with 1x2 Batten over the joint ( 1x10/12 tends to dry out and split too much) but having those options in a Siding would be great. I assume the Patterns in the chiefsiding.pat file are scaled incorrectly? as I needed to use 0.1 not 1.0 to get it to look ok. If it was a Siding rather than a tool like for Quions , I assume it would "see" windows , doors etc automatically right and stop the battens appropriately right? note that the board sizes above are their nominal size and are typically 7 1/2" x3/4" thick and 1 1/2" x 3/4" thick in my case so the 2" size batten looks a little "fat" at 2" The png David posted works but yes it would be nicer if the battens had depth and therefore shadows etc this is a project i did last summer , this client has asked me to do the design/build for their new garage/studio too , so it would be nice to have better looking images to help "sell" the project .....
  8. the Texture DJP posted above (thx,D) is as good as I have found so far to give me the look of Cedar 1x8 and the 1x2 Batten once I change the colour etc and using the #167 pattern set to 0.1 Rusty has been on the old forum since last Oct and hasn't joined this new one so if someone else has his pic/texture pls post it here. Thanks. M.
  9. thanks , these look nice , didn't realise Win7 doesn't allow icon changes either so thanks for that tip as I am using Win7pro. M.
  10. Thanks for the help , i'll try this texture looks good , and will look better than any thing I fudge up Am still surprised that the Patterns have been there for yrs it seems , but no Textures were ever made > and thus Materials. M.
  11. *** Since posting this originally in 2014, I have made a Framing Type Library to do B&B in different widths that post is here : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16852-board-and-batten-library/ ***also see the 2nd page of this thread for other Ideas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- there maybe one in newer versions but I dont have B&B as a library option , I have found some info on the old Forum most of it refering to Post 42224 and a Texture "Rusty" made but all searchs for that thread appear to be gone. I found the Post there from Adrean (below) about the Chiefsiding.pat file and the 8" and 12" patterns ,no# 167 and 169 which work when the scale is reduced to 0.1 from 1.0 but haven't found a good texture yet.... nothing at all on B&B here on the new forums about it.... Thanks, M. UGM Follow-Up: Clarification from the Content Development Team For those who attended the Wall Elevations and Sections presentation with Scott and I, thank you for joining us! There was a popular request for a Board and Batten pattern to be added to Chief. I am both happy and regretful to inform you that we have this pattern available! I’m sorry that I didn’t realize it at the time of the question. In order to use this feature, in the Define Materials dialog, on the Patterns tab, choose the Custom Pattern File option, and then browse to the Patterns directory in your Program Files folder (see image). Chief Architect provides custom patterns for Siding, as well as numerous other surface types. Within the ChiefSiding.pat file, you can choose from the dropdown list one of the Board and Batten pattern styles. Setting the scale to ‘0.1’ seems to achieve the proper dimensioning of the pattern lines. I apologize for not recalling the availability of this and the variety of other patterns we offer. I would encourage you to browse the options in each of these pattern groups so that you may in the future be able to leverage these details in your designs! Kind Regards, Adrean Stephenson Chief Architect, Inc. Sr. Content Developer Product Marketing Manager