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Everything posted by jbaehmer

  1. I don't use them. I put my labels in plan/camera views. I just don't like how the layout box labels function.
  2. What I have done is that I have Dropbox, but I also have OneDrive that is apart of my MS Office subscription. So before I leave ( I try to everyday, but typically Mon/Wed/Fri)....I just copy everything in my Dropbox and copy it over the One-drive. I didn't like using One-drive so that is why I went to Dropbox, so I figured, since I had the space on One-drive, use it as a backup. That way if I accidentally delete a file on Dropbox, I can retrieve something from One-drive.
  3. Exactly...I am using the SAM method, just with my template and not the last client. In my template, I drew a plan so I could have some elevations and cross sections so I could send them to layout. The SAM is still the way to go....it is just what you use when you use the SAM. I use my template that doesn't have any "remembered" info. Some use the last clients plans. They both work, depending on who is using it. I feel using the template gives me less headaches.
  4. I feel the reason CA says not to do it that way is because room information is "remembered". So if you delete all the walls from a plan and redraw a simple 4 sided room, the area that room takes up will have the room name and structure type as the room prior. If it compiles over years, it could have things deep within the program that are unknown and then we could see it as a "bug" when really CA is just remembering what was there prior. I had talked to Dermot years ago about it when he mentioned this and I told him that I took a OOB plan and layout file and went through every little default I could find and adjust to my liking. He said that was a good way to do it as you use have a template that you use the SAM on and you don't have any "remembered" room information. Now, there could be additional info besides rooms, but that one is big enough for me not use use the SAM on a prior clients plan.....unless they are building the exact same house with very minor modifications. The only downside I feel with the way I have it is that when I create new layers, layer-sets, annosets, etc., I have to export it and import it into my template. Also, when new versions come out, I have to go through and check to see how things work still. I know when X9 comes out I will have to do that and go through my template, but I feel everyone has to do that whether they use a template or SAM. Definitely not a knock on Scott's SAM method...I use it, just slightly different....
  5. Same here....I am out of the Seattle/Tacoma area and would be willing to take a look.....but your email does not work. Feel free to contact me though my contact info below.
  6. I would be willing to help also....Like Perry mentioned though I would need elevations.
  7. Look for David Jefferson Potter on this forum or on the HD forum. He is on both of them. I have not used him, but have seen many great remarks about him.
  8. I do it similar to Gene, except the other way. I draw everything in 11x17 and print at 100% on 22x34. I have the text on 11x17 that is small, yet readable. Then it is bigger on 22x34. Same concept, just reverse.
  9. Hello. I can definitely help you. Please feel free to contact me anytime! My contact info is below.
  10. Hello. I sent you an email. Look forward to talking to you.
  11. I can help you. I am out of the Tacoma area. Give me a call when you can.
  12. Thanks David - I should have explained that I know how to do hotkeys, just was looking to not have to look at every option and change it. Trying to save time. Rlackore - thanks for the thoughts. Probably just have to take the time to do it. Thanks guys!!
  13. jbaehmer


    Hello. I have a person helping me that is coming over from AutoCAD. Does anyone have their hotkeys setup in CA to mimic AutoCAD that would be willing to share the export file?
  14. Hello. Feel free to send me an example of the plan and we can talk. Thanks.
  15. Hello. I am Jared Baehmer. I am out of the Tacoma area. I could assist you. Please feel free to give me a call. 253.777.2362.
  16. I use Cad details in the plan file and send to layout. There is a scale macro standard in CA to show the actual scale when printed.
  17. I would like to assist you with this, but you don't have a plan attached. Please feel free to contact me at my info below. Thanks.
  18. Hello. I would like to see if I can help you with your project. Please email your project over to me and I will take a look and get back to you. Thanks.
  19. My suggestion would be to have someone go through it and nit-pick everything it in. Just go for structural items to show. On my plans, I don't show furniture and such on the CD's. I will do it for customers so they can have an idea of what it would look like, but not on the final plans. I do the same for cabinets....I will put something in for a place holder, but let the cabinet pros do there thing. I just give them the overall length to work with. Overall, this looks good for your first go at CA....still a lot of things to work on, but overall good.
  20. I will first apologize for sounding like a parrot....I agree that if that is what the client wants, then do it for them even if the roof-line (even when drawn correctly) looks bad. That massive peak in the middle just kills me. Eric put an idea that I think would look better and as Chopsaw mentioned...put it to layout and you will most likely catch more items that you didn't see before. As for the "wacky" dimensions, I did an auto dimension (since there were very few, if any dimensions, for wall framing) and the I see a lot of "sixteenth" inch dimensions. The framers will not be happy to work with those. I personally, try to keep dimensions as whole numbers...maybe half dimensions and worst case scenarios....quarter inch dimensions are the smallest I will go. I do see what anything smaller would be required. But definitely before sending to your engineer, you should check that all items are code compliant...such as egress windows. In the sleeping rooms, you need one mean of egress...either door or window. The window can be a 3050 SH window or a min 3068 door. plus, I don't think your bearing for your FDN is lined up correctly. There is a huge space with no bearing and there are exterior wall above that do not have bearing points below it.
  21. The door has to be 32" clear space between the face of the door to the door jam when opened at 90deg. The only way I am aware to get this is a 36" door. If you do a 5ft double door you are ok, unless one panel is permanently fixed and can't open and leaves the open part with less than 32" clear distance.
  22. Hello. I can also help you with your project. Please contact me at my info below and I will take a look at it.
  23. I agree that a huge majority are built with MFR trusses. But you claim of them being poorly represented? Like Richard, my experience is the opposite. Granted, I do have a couple issues that come up, but most are user error.
  24. I will be ready to send an invite from Scott to send to JPC so he can attend.