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Everything posted by Francois

  1. I think you have that option when you open X10 to click Yes on "Do you want to associate the plan files with this program" That'ss the way I did it for X9
  2. "I am interested in the entry level models of HP and Cannon (24" print). The Cannon is a few hundred dollars more. Are there companies that have entry level models that you know off the top of your head? " I bought the Canon ipf600 several years ago. Great printer but expensive maintenance ($300 printer head and $360 for a set of regular cartridge) For 11x17, I chose the Epson wf-7620 mainly because it scans that size.
  3. Surface Pro 4 is also a good choice if you want to connect two HD monitors. (in fact, better than MS Book with dedicated gpu)
  4. I sent you a pm for engineer in SF Bay Area
  5. Thank you Joe for that convoluted but really appreciated reply. 1 point goes to you
  6. For the sake of learning something, was that a wrong answer? I thought that it is how I did it a while ago. I would appreciate if someone can comment on it. A yes on no would be ok. Thank you
  7. I run into that problem. I created a wall, placed windows in it and changed the height of the wall by raising it.
  8. Nice work Jon. Do you do this for all your customers?
  9. Thanks Mark for your presentation and this follow up. I learned a lot from the webinar but need to view it again when it becomes available. There was a lot of info to digest and i'm looking forward to put your tips in practice. Thanks again
  10. Also, for your next work, there is a setting in Preferences > General >File management > Auto Save to save your work at regular interval.
  11. I always open the Layout file first. The Plan file is automatically referenced to it and I open it from any Layout view.
  12. Thanks Michael. That did it.
  13. Working on Floor plan set, I turned All On set then reverted to Floor plan set. My Layout page is now showing the All on and does not return to Floor plan view. Is that normal? I know I can resend the view. But is there a way to prevent it to happen? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  14. Thanks again William. It's time for me to move to X9.
  15. "Select item, click on "Draw order edit tool" , click on "Select draw order" (center button) then place where you want or select no 4 " Thanks William. I found it. Your text seems to point to a dbx but my tool is just a one click with no option. I looked for it in the Toolbar config with no luck. I use X8. Is it an option in X9?
  16. Can someone tell me how to move a dimension line to the front ? Some walls are covering the lines and numbers. Thank you
  17. It is not a code issue but more a planning concern like Richard mentioned. I do not disagree with it. The properties are typically close to each other. My quest is about ways of addressing their comments. So far I have re-sized the side windows as Perry suggested and I am showing the trees as they are placed on the property, their height, in relationship to the adjacent properties and a elevation showing the height of the proposed trees to be planted along the back of the property relative to the 2nd floor windows which are egress. I think it's a good answer to satisfy the "line of sight" request . They won't see Russia but they will see a lot of green. Thanks to all for your feed back. I greatly appreciate it.
  18. Thanks Parkwest and Ricahrd. I'll do just that on Monday.
  19. I have submitted a 2nd story addition but the city Bldg Department has concerns about privacy to side and rear neighbors. Also, rapid growth trees will be planted. I am reluctant to use no-see-trough window glass. I must draw a line of sight from the proposed 2nd floor windows. Is there angles and projections to take in consideration? How do you address it? Can you share you method? Thank you
  20. New code , Tools and Application guides
  21. Have you tried to create a room and raise the floor? I can mull two windows in a wall but I have not been able to install a second window on a box window. *
  22. Once you have placed the twin windows, select them both and look for the icon to mull them (cube with blue and grey sides)
  23. Look in << Offering services >> where you'll find people you can contact. It can be incremental and you'll get a straight answer to the problems you are dealing with.