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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. That model looks like it's been discontinued replaced by the X17. As suggested above buying yesterday's technology is not always the best long term plan. x17 r4 gaming laptop
  2. I never type lol unless I'm actually laughing out loud. LOL...
  3. Let's see, I think I would send that to my engineer and cantilever those shelves back into the cabinet with perhaps TJI shelving? Just spit balling here.
  4. Another strategy that seems to work OK (for me at least) for backups is Carbonite. It's maybe $55 a year and I've used it maybe 3 times in the many years I've had it but those 3 times have been absolute life savers. I also just remembered that I took my Database folder out of my DropBox and have it solely on the computer HD. Might rethink that given Mick's experience..
  5. This good advice is only really heeded or applied once disaster has struck. Begs the question, "What happened?" .. and Why?
  6. Cool, and the better call of course. Curious, was the R13 overkill for your needs?
  7. The R12 has the 11th Gen Intel Processor and the R13 has the 12th Gen. The R13 is 'better'. EDIT - The 12th Gen is better.
  8. A little tricky Robert but as an exercise I got it done with your direction. Well done. Plan attached. 1090792857_WINDOWBROW.plan
  9. That's GREAT news but doesn't that beg the definition of 'on time'? Hope you're right cause I like new things but as with all things Chief I've learned to keeps hopes high and expectations low.
  10. I'm guessing Chief will get back to a February release eventually but not after a June 2022, August 2023, October 2024, and a December 2024 release. Just sayin'
  11. NICE and this might be what jealousy looks like in a post
  12. Probably true enough but also close enough to the release of X14 for me at least to wait and see.
  13. Maybe not exactly on topic but Chief is currently running a software sale which usually presages a new release (X14) and was wondering what changes might be in store as far as video performance/requirements etc. Will the lower priced/spec'd cards work better in X14? Pure speculation of course and just wondering before upgrading my current card.
  14. And a bit intimidating but once you get the hang of your City's requirements totally doable. If one can assume the attitude of one project at a time instead of trying to learn all of the code for all projects, it's a smaller bite, and remember as has been mentioned here a couple of times it's usually the zoning that can make or break a project and that again can be researched one project at a time. Steve, regarding your post, it seems every time I submit I get another "note" that I need to add from the latest plan checker and have an entire 24 x 36 page of 'notes'. One plan checker wanted me to list only the 'proper and current' notes so I asked if I could please be informed of what those notes might be. Never heard back so I jut keep adding them.
  15. Here's another look at how to start a business - start. Just plain and simple - start.
  16. I agree 100% and could have sworn I said the same thing in my post above. I'll try and be more clear next time. But more directly to the OP I would, once again, suggest learning the Zoning code, or whatever it's called in Canada, versus trying to know all there is regarding the 'building code' because even 'if a building complies with with building code doesn't mean that it is going be allowed for a specific location'.
  17. In my experience in CA there are at least 2 VERY distinct areas of the code and one that is FAR more important to be well versed in than the other. Those 2 parts are zoning and building. With "building" I have NEVER had a plan that passes through the City without corrections of some kind but those corrections are a great way to learn "building" codes and in my case I use an engineer to create all details etc. so it's slightly easier. Zoning is a completely other animal. Whereas in building you can always use 'bigger wood' and 'more nails' (it's a joke between myself and a builder I work for) zoning is completely unforgiving and worth, no critical, you learn for almost every project. Setbacks; Floor Area Ratios (FAR); Height limitations; and a few other factors that will either allow or kill your project here in CA. You can indeed download and sturdy the CBC the IBC and all other 'building' code references but you don' understand the 'zoning' of the project you could be in for a very rude awakening if the City denied your project.
  18. Curious, are any of you using DropBox? I had crazy delays when using Chief, as that's what I use all day, and THINK I tracked it down to DB taking forever to synch download or whatever it does. I deleted DB, reinstalled it and back to OK again. Not sure if OneDrive or other cloud services might cause similar delays?
  19. Curious why you would have "Temp and Undo folders myself onto my fastest Drive (NVME)" C: drive, but the data folder on what might we assume is the slower A: drive?
  20. Understood, Chief is behaving badly. I've had this happen before and just adjusted the measurements to the nearest decimal place I am looking for but understand the frustration and the obvious bug.
  21. Can you just change the absolute values to reflect the 2 decimal places? Or is it more a matter of Chief behaving badly?