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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Scott, Doesn't the option to define floor structures come up when you add an additional floor? I don't think you can define the structure for future floors until you build them. But, "Build New Floor" define whether to derive from existing or not then the structure box pops up then define the floor structure for new floor
  2. Steve, I suggest you start slowly and re-define layers as you need them. I've never had Windows 1st floor Windows 2nd floor because I've never needed that level of definition. I just started to have Roof Planes 1st floor Roof Planes 2nd Floor because I wanted to segregate those 2 items in a Layout View. If you save your previous plan as a basis for your next plan, or update a template plan with all your latest Anno Set definitions you can slowly build a list of Anno Sets that will serve you over the long run. Just refine your definitions as you go along and learn more about what YOU need in your Anno/Layer Sets.
  3. Your imagination astounds me Yusuf. Nice.
  4. First TURN OFF GRID SNAPS - and leave them off. That will mess you up to no end. Try it without the grid snaps. I see your point. Objects don't have the same snap points as CAD boxes. Understand your frustration.
  5. You didn't really think you could do EVERYTHING automatically did you?
  6. I disagree. I feel that Chief's DIY products are simplified versions of Chief Premier, a program that has many, many professionals at the helm. More, I think than we can know.
  7. I've said it before and will say it again, there are brain types that can change from a building/logical bottom up approach, or the disconnected put the floor wherever you want the floor paradigm, and adapt to Chief's method without a whole lot of struggle. Other brain types see a logic that just isn't there in Chief. Not saying it's good or bad, just sayin'. If we want to learn Chief we have to let go of whatever 'logic' is being applied from our characters or brain makeup and learn the program. Easier for some than others. Guess which camp I live in?
  8. Build the roofs manually, of course auto roof will try and put a roof over outside walls on each floor. Manual roof are the way to model almost any house any way - got to learn that tool.
  9. Johnny, Simple curiosity question. How does VW handle split levels? And what limitations are there within VW's paradigm? It seems very logical to simply be able to tell a floor where to be, independent of, and disconnected from, other structures. It seems that 'disconnect, must be managed carefully but on the flip side one could carefully manage those floors and heights to perhaps greater advantage? My mind wants to work more like the VW and SU paradigm so adjusting to Chief is hard but adjust we must because Chief is not going change its basic stripes any time soon - or ever most likely..
  10. Really have to pay attention to this possibility.
  11. The exposed rafters and beams would almost always be modeled on my jobs for 3 D presentations using P-Line solids or other methods. Hidden framing - not so much.
  12. The portion I am struggling with is out of sight though. I just thought it would be impressive to show that framing view on the plans. That's the point I was trying to make. You can literally spend years trying impress with 3D framing or get on with your ConDocs. That is NOT intended to dis in any way the genius help you have gotten in this thread but being a beginner your frustration level can be lowered by many many notches if you know where to put your efforts and spend your valuable time. Some people like to spend their time on modeling such things. I do not. Your call, and again much gratitude for those who have posted a solution to your problem.
  13. Kinda curious why one would want to model this - at all. Too easy to add a simple detail and framing notes to cover the Cal-Fill as we call it here. Do it on almost every job. Never modeled one, never had a problem from builders/framers.
  14. No doubt there's a way to get color elevations In Chief and Joe's process works but to answer the OP's OQ (original question) "Do elevations just go to layout in B/W?" The answer is still 'yes'.
  15. I can send the 'current screen as image' in color but not an Elevation - never could. I think we're talking in different terms. Elevations have always been in B&W - as long as I can remember. The OP alludes to this same phenomenon in the sample plans. Colored elevations end up in Layout in B&W - like all mine do. Would love to know what you're doing. Hasn't this been a feature request in Chief for a hundred years? And Perry's cracked the code? Again I think we're just using different terms but I would like the OP (and myself) to be clear about Chief's capabilities.
  16. Curious where you read that.
  17. Do you have method to send Elevations to Layout in color? Please enlighten us.
  18. That's a pretty logical way to look at the structure and I can wrap my brain around that way of thinking very easily - however - you know the rest of the story.....
  19. Downloaded Win 10 Pro from Win 8.1 Pro the other day.
  20. You don't need a notification Greg. I've downloaded to 2 machines without any type of notification.
  21. I upgraded my accounting computer from Win 7 with zero problems. I upgraded another Win 8.1 machine and it hung - overnight - during one process, "looking for updates" maybe? I found a way out of the stuck dbx and found a way to reboot thinking this is going to be fun after the install hung but it re-booted right back into Win 8.1 as if nothing happened. I then downloaded the media file again, started over and this time it worked fine. Pretty impressive. I was expecting all kinds of misery after that install failed and I forced a re-boot but it took it in stride. Again, pretty impressive.
  22. I'll give that a try, thanks Joe. Have an appointment now but will try later.