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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Here's an older thread that might help. I also think that shopping for a 13 x 19 printer that will custom print a 12 X 18 sheet would be good place to look.
  2. AHA! I knew you were using some form of magic Glenn
  3. Thanks for that report Dru. I found this to be true in Beta, reported it and then worked around it.
  4. Thanks Rob, I've made my own before but appreciate the effort.
  5. 1. Any line/object can be placed on a separate layer and colored to your liking and that layer turned on/off to show what you would like. 2. Chief has reference Layers that you can set up to show an object/image on a lower/upper floor and trace. 3. Chief has a much more limited set of tools for 3D model furniture building than ArchiCad. It's doable but can be difficult depending on the complexity of the object.
  6. I had something like that happen before. Never did figure it out. Had to re-boot I'm sure was the only way to fix it.
  8. Very helpful - thanks to everyone for the tips. I just tried my new Layout and Plan Template and Saved As the Layout and the plan file to a new folder then saved the plan as a new file and everything linked up fine. The key was in previous posts re: saving within the Layout file to start, then everything seems to link OK with all new revisions.
  9. That's what I thought Scott. So when you re-reference a new file within the Layout, let's say it's a file from a completely different job, will the elevation update? I'm missing a step somewhere. Thanks for your help
  10. Which is the same as doing a Save As within the Layout? I've got a couple new jobs I can try some new strategies on and really the only thing that was giving me problems was re-sending elevations which if that's all I end up doing then it's not that big a deal.
  11. Thanks Joey, appreciate you taking the time.
  12. Alan, not really looking to update the elevation per se: but wanting to update the elevation after re-referencing to a new plan file. What method do you use for Layouts? Templates? Some version of SAM?
  13. OK let's say I copy both plan and Layout to a new folder. I have an as built plan that I have now saved as a proposed plan and I have saved that plan multiple times and am on Jones Proposed Plan 17, all Save As's done outside of the Layout. How can that last plan, Jones 17, be re-referenced to the Layout and the Elevation be automatically updated? Is that a simple thing I'm missing?
  14. I double click a couple time in the video and I think with Joe's explanation it's not strange at all. Those elevations have no reference unless the 'Save As' is done within the layout, which preserves the cameras and their associated path - maybe.
  15. Interesting Joe. I can see that logic but I'll need to chew on it bit. That must be why doing a 'Save As' within the Layout works, as it preserves those camera names and paths? And doing a Save As in a simple plan file then re-referencing that plan to the Layout does not have the same camera paths?
  16. I did click re-link and tried both plan names and the elevation didn't change or refresh correctly but maybe there's something there? I discovered that the re-link command is for plan views within the Layout not elevation, sections. And if you 'Save As' within the Layout, make plan changes, the elevations will update, if the new plan name is re-referenced within the Layout. I would always work on my plans outside of the Layout, re-reference the new plans and wondered why the elevations would not up date. They aren't intended to. I may still work on the files outside of the elevation and just re-send elevations sections as it's not that big a deal and working on a plan in the Layout is not very convenient - for me.
  17. Here's what always confused me bout re-referencing a plan file within a Layout file. All of the plan views i.e. foundation, electrical, framing etc will be updated after re-referencing but the elevations and sections will not and have to be resent. If the plan file is "Saved As" within the Layout I believe the Elevations will be updated and preserved but not if the plan is worked on and 'Saved As' outside of the Layout. Gotta test that theory.
  18. Yeah guess I should have said this forum is great - again.
  19. That's the limitation I found with Layout Box Labels. I wanted to see the view name I was working on in i.e. elevation view and the Layout Label didn't let me see that, or was redundant.
  20. Yeah don't let 'em get to you. There's probably a thousand commands I still don't know about after using this beast for 15 years and I pick up one tidbit every day, a lot of the time from your posts.
  21. Interesting - Thanks Joe. I can see why you don't use %scale% in the plan. ...and using in a plan text box will save me a lot of time.