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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Must be something that's on by default on my system but I found a tool to toggle on/off patterns that you can add to your tool bar. I just added it to mine.
  2. I've got 2 stucco fills. One for existing construction and one for new. Had them for so long can't exactly remember how they were created but here's a plan file that might help and a pic of what they look like in vector elevation. Hope that might help. stucco fill 1.plan
  3. Why? I saw the spam, scrolled to the newest post, read the great advice that is Chief's forum, and moved on. Not sure what the real problem is.
  4. I was not trying to detail the exact time the spam was posted for but was trying to illustrate that with just a little patience, the problem, if it really is one, resolves itself without the need for new rules and posting regulations.
  5. Ok, let's please try and not fix a problem that may not really be a problem. I saw the spam today and just scrolled to the newest post. Logged in again and it was gone and caused no real hardship. Is it really a problem?
  6. Please don't encourage Chief to require some arcane validation to post to try and eradicate a spam problem that last for half an hour. Next thing you know we'll have to take our shoes off before we post...
  7. With no counter tops, as soon as the cabs are joined that piece extends past the corner - IN 2D. And of course now a custom counter top works perfectly. Still get a weird 2D piece that remains but 3D looks good. Here's the 2D view. And here's, same cabs, the 3D view. Just a little confusing but am over it.
  8. Tried it as the first thing (of course) but every time I joined the cabs, even with no counter tops that piece would extend beyond the corner.
  9. Tried this a few different ways but as soon as I join these corner cabinets the counter top extends through the corner. Can't figure out how to cut the counter top. Thanks
  10. Have you tried it? A terrain can be defined in virtually unlimited shapes and manners using elevation points, lines and regions.
  11. Got it. I had "Trim Framing To Soffit" checked In error.
  12. Seems like I ran into this before but can't remember how it was addressed. The ridge beam which will run the length of the roof plane is cut off at the exterior walls with the small overhang missing from view. Thanks MISSING BEAM.plan
  13. I can't seem to delete that post but I didn't have light sources turned on the in camera view. DOH!!
  14. User error I'm sure but I've done this a million times but I no longer see the 3D lights I've added in a camera view. It's Monday and I'm quite ready to be embarrassed but I can't seem to get the added lights to affect the camera view. 566229578_LIGHTSNOSHOW.plan
  15. Thanks so much for the ideas and comments. Just tried the ceiling plane method and it seems to work well but just to add a couple details to the technique and correct please if mistaken. 1. Set up first floor default structure at 8 ft. plus the height of the 2 x 12' ( in this case) framing for the ceiling plane. 2. Second floor default to 8ft. 3. Back to first floor and draw in new ceiling plane. 4. Set the structure of the CP to 2 x 12 (11.25") 5. Set new ceiling plane's pitch to '0' . 6. Lock pitch at '0' and set 'ridge' height 11.25" lower than default value. 7. Hit OK. 8. Thank Perry for the great idea. Thanks P.
  16. As the OP I realize there's nothing inherently wrong with Chief's 'room based' paradigm but there are, mostly unwritten, rules that must be followed to get good results and those results are generally very good. In the OP I made the error of simply adjusting the floor height, thinking that that alone would adjust the floor height as in a video from a previous version showing the split level technique. Seemed logical at the time but it turns out the stem wall height must be altered as well in order to get the floor height adjusted properly. If I had to program Chief's behavior in such matters I would have the floor height transfer its value directly to the stem wall height by default (as the training video showed) that way floor height could be changed by simply setting the floor height. The stem wall height could then be altered but at least the floor height would be set by setting the floor height. Now I know but it seemed really strange to me at the time that setting the floor height would not set the floor height.
  17. THANKS, I did find a way to auto build it but too much work. Will probably do nothing unless a ConDoc needs the attention.
  18. Looks like there's a way to create a 'dummy' 3rd floor with a '0' ceiling height then frame a new 4th floor with joists running perpendicular? Worth the effort? Dunno. Other method?
  19. I've got a simple condition with a partial raised second floor that has 2 x 12's stacked on top of each other. Lower layer running one direction and upper level running perpendicular to that lower level. Simple to detail and not that important for the ConDocs but is there a way to run one layer one direction and the other layer perp? Other than manual framing members?
  20. Can't find the time to thank everyone for their help and contributions in each thread but am continually amazed and thankful for all the help offered and all that I've learned in this forum. THANKS VERY MUCH.
  21. Thanks Eric (Alan) , had no idea such a feature existed. Never used but will if the need comes up.