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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Never have gotten this 'feature' to really work. It always seems to simply remove the wall, on this plan and many others. Any help appreciated. ROOF_CUTS_WALL_AT_BOTTOM.plan
  2. Found this online and overlaid a grass pattern - worked pretty good.
  3. Had it happen many many times. A refresh fixes it sometimes, a reboot fixes it sometimes, and sometimes it just fixes itself.
  4. Not a texture but a pattern - anyone have anything close?
  5. The whole space is definitely weird on a couple different levels and one of the reasons the owners want to remodel the space. It feels even more weird actually being in the space.
  6. Wow Eric that's awesome and very close to what I actually need. A few adjustments and I should be good to go. Thank you VERY much.
  7. It's has a second floor with a stairway that leads to that floor with a vaulted roof and a sort of dormer lookout over part of the second floor. I'm trying to manually build everything but am thinking there might be a faster/better way? I've attached a couple pics and the plan and thanks in advance for any help. ROOF_DILEMMA.plan
  8. When moving a cabinet in to a corner the space wants to fill between cabinets even when there is a wall there. Is there a setting that will keep that from happening? COUNTER_TOP.plan Move cabinet... ...and corner counter top forms.
  9. Not necessarily a MAC versus PC issue but I use both DropBox and Carbonite and curious as to why anyone would use just one solution. Carbonite is like $50 a year for unlimited backup and even though DropBox is supposed to have file recovery I don't trust it to be honest. I have only used Carbonite 2 times in many years, to recover 2 files that were hopelessly trashed and unrecoverable in Chief. Recovering those files saved me many many hours of work and I swear by Carbonite for that reason alone. I have 858 GB backed up right now and it is such cheap insurance that really works for me and after recovering those 2 files I wouldn't be without it.
  10. PC's can be just as connected as MAC's these days and I just prefer the value and customization that PC's offer. I am also OS agnostic, just get me to my software so I can get my work done, either through Apple's OS or Windows OS, I don't care, but like I said I prefer PC's flexibility.
  11. Don't see it on my bare template plan but as the plan grows so does the slowww. Hmmm, have no idea why.
  12. like 2 - 3 seconds to place a switch, which isn't long but painful to watch and wasn't this slow before. Anyone else notice this?
  13. Doesn't turn off that color, thanks. Do you get the same thing? I'm going to try my template file.
  14. There's more gray fill at the top of the detail too. I've just been living with and was curious if other are doing so as well, or if I am missing something simple.
  15. Yeah there's a couple of options but it's strange one can't control that fill - from somewhere - don'cha think? Do you just send the colors to Layout?
  16. So does everyone just live with it? Is there a way to turn off the color?
  17. Thanks Perry, you're right it's a wall (and roof planes above in pic?) and sometimes it's near impossible to locate through an area without a wall and can't really turn them off. Is there a setting for the gray color fill that you know about?
  18. This is probably the best solution even though the framing will be broken at the roof joins the roofing materials has a chance to be correct.
  19. Simple answer - maybe. But I would rather stick things in my eyes than try and use Chief's very poor 2D tools to try and re-create the look you posted.
  20. Super quick change I had in mind. No details or bedroom configuration but if the back of the house will allow it a nice big deck out the back might be nice. Again no details or complete configuration but if you can marry the kitch/dining/living room it might meet today's modern open floor plan living criteria. For Review Plan 2.plan
  21. Very hard to tell the lay of the land and exposures but it feels like the kitchen is a bit orphaned where it is currently located. I might flip the bedrooms with the kitchen/dining rooms and create an open living/dining/kitchen area along the back wall with a deck along the living room kitchen area. This would pull the kitchen into your living space creating a much more modern feel and living experience.