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Everything posted by 5FT-20Designs

  1. Don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but I use the Bosch laser and the MeasureOn app. You can sketch the rooms you need, select the dimension you want to measure, take the measurement with the laser and the dimension is entered. Saw in a previous post that there was a Leica laser that works with CA. Maybe the Disto D3. Do a search for Leica. Keith
  2. Same here. Have to login every time.
  3. Your wall have have "No Room Definition". Uncheck abnd you should be able to define your rooms.
  4. When i add an exterior stairs, i have to create an Open Below room on the next floor to see the stairs. My question, is this normal or have i maybe changed a default setting? Thanks, Keith
  5. Check where the walls resize about. Under Default Settings - Walls - General Wall Defaults
  6. For some reason when i close the Cutomize Toolbars, the order on the right side of my toolbars is rearranged. This is Rab's Pro-Plan layout that I've customized for my use. I want the Walls column 2nd from left. When I close the Customize Toolbar, the wall column is to the right.
  7. Thanks Joe. Been working on some macros, but have a long way to go & a lot to learn.
  8. @Chopsaw Looks like the same error I got a while back. If you already have the catalog in your library, delete it and try again. X15 doesn’t like duplicates.
  9. Here's a pdf showing text sizes for different scales. Second page shows sheet sizes based on each scale. Chief Architect Scales.pdf
  10. Yes, there are about 15 catalogs that haven’t been updated. Rene Rabbitt did a short tutorial on using the library that may help with the new format
  11. As always, great video @Renerabbitt. Thank you for making.
  12. Try the What New in X15 video. If I remember correctly, it gives a quick overview that may help.
  13. I found some of the libraries are not in the catalog anymore and several several must have downloaded and i tried to download again. Thanks Brett for your suggestion. I remember Wolf was combined with the Sub-Zero library last year.
  14. Has anyone had any problems importing X15 libraries into X15. Sometimes an internet connection is not available so I want to download the primary libraries I use to my system. I did a clean install so i didn't try to migrate X14 libiraries in X15. I keep getting this message, actually 56 times last night when I tried to copy a batch. LOL. The downloads are X15 versions.
  15. Nice setup Joe. I need to create default profile for all my programs; but it won’t be so extensive as yours. Chief is my default now.
  16. The different layout boxes fixes another issue I had. I like Schedule & Note Titles placed top left so I can make the boxes long enough to catch any items added. I do something similar for sorting CAD details. I started with the first 6 spaces for sorting and striped them from titles. In a previous post, Alaskan Son suggested .partition since my sorts always end in “- “. Thanks again Rene for your suggestion.
  17. This is a small text macro that sets my standard notes for the “Text Below Line” in the Callout Labels Specification on my layouts. It checks for key words used in the label and assigns the correct text. This is only the 3rd macro I’ve written, so it’s clumsy. Any suggestions on streamlining will be greatly appreciated. Have several more ideas that I want to work on. I've spend hours going through threads on macros/Rudy and picking up information. Special thanks to @Joe_Carrick, @Alaskan_Son, @solverand @Renerabbittfor all your post and help. referenced ? obj=referenced : obj=owner line_type = obj.automatic_label.upcase #KEY = Key Plan #ELEV, PLAN, SECT, DETAIL = Has a scale #CABINET = Special note about fillers for cabinet schedules #VIEW, CAMERA, SKETCH = No scale, for reference only #MOLDING, PANEL = Items that need to field trimmed if line_type.include? ("KEY"); callout_line = "- NOT TO SCALE -" elsif line_type.include? ("ELEV") or line_type.include? ("PLAN") or line_type.include? ("SECT") or line_type.include? ("DETAIL"); callout_line = "- Scale: " + obj.box_scale.delete(' ').gsub('=',' = ').gsub('ft','\'').gsub(' in','"') + "-0\" -" elsif line_type.include? ("CABINET"); callout_line = "- REF CABINET NOTE #1, FIELD TRIM OTHER FILLERS AS REQ’D -" elsif line_type.include? ("VIEW") or line_type.include? ("CAMERA") or line_type.include? ("SKETCH"); callout_line = "- FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY - " elsif line_type.include? ("MOLDING") or line_type.include? ("PANEL"); callout_line = "- FIELD TRIM AS REQ'D -" else callout_line = ""TextBelowLine.rb end
  18. Eric, Thank you for the help. I used gsub!. Keith
  19. I started adding abbreviations to the beginning of my CAD Details, Cameras and Sections in an attempt to keep some sort of order. For example “SC##” are schedules, “DF##” are foundation details and so on. When I send a CAD detail, Camera or Section, I use “slice” to remove the first 6 characters from the name. I would like to eliminate the 6 character limit and search for “- “ to determine how many to strip. This will allow me use any number of characters I need. I’ve tried the following and can get the “index” to return the correct number, but the “slice” doesn’t evaluate. Can this be done as I have above? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Keith
  20. Noticed this happens in the Code column also.