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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. Yes, I ran into most of these similar situations. I like the lintel and sill option the best but like Ben said you need to build that bottom profile and them it works great! Thank You for all the input
  2. I bet Joe Carrick could do it with a cabinet. That guys does amazing things with cabinets!
  3. This may be a stupid question but can that be built as a room with windows instead of poly solid?
  4. Because I only want top and bottom and casing doesn't give you that option from what I can see.
  5. That worked Great!!! Thank You!
  6. Can I change the texture of stucco to smooth?
  7. Thank you Joe! I was using the poly line solid and things were not working right. I rebooted my computer and the program and now its all good. Not sure what happened. Thank you for the tip on using the lintel and sill to do my trim that I need. I don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place.
  8. Does anyone have a suggestion on the best way to add Architectural foam trim at bottom and top of a window? It seems like everything I do seems awkward to use. I would like it to look like stucco when I'm done. Seems like this should be easy and a very basic thing to do so I must be missing something! Any help would be appreciated.
  9. I started using Chief when I think it was version 8. So long I cant remember. Love it!
  10. I'm a little taken back. That's the best we can come up with on this one. Anyone can use a poly line! Not that I don't appreciate the help but I really thought there would be a better way or just more creative.
  11. OK, I figured out most of it but now I need to figure out how to get handrails on the top the the railing walls. Any idea how to do this?
  12. Don't mean to redesign your roof but Is there a reason why you don't make it a hip roof over your patio and where the two roofs come together you just put a little cricket? Seems like it would look a little better. Respectfully
  13. Hi Guy's! Been out of the loop for a while with Chief. Busy life! Hope everyone is doing good and its good to be back on the drawing board again. I'm having problems trying to get my stairs to work the way I want them. The on line videos aren't much help. I could use some advise and/or a video that would help. This is a two story and I'm using half walls to follow the stair slope and I would like to mount the hand rail to the top of the walls. Here is a picture of my mess and a picture of what I'm trying to achieve with the hand rails. And a plan attachment from Chief Version .Plan Template Single Story X8.plan8
  14. I know this is late in the game but these two answers were correct and easy to fix Newell's problem. My question is to ask Newell if this is the way you fixed it or did you do something else? You said you figured it out but you didn't say what you did. Respectfully
  15. Apparently the default goes to matching the garage stem wall top to the top of the living space stem wall and ignores the setting for the garage stem walls that is set at 6" above top of garage floor to top of stem wall. So I just set the "Stem Wall Top ©" where I needed it in the dbx and it fixed my problem. How ever, it would be nice if the default followed 6" above the garage floor so I wouldn't have to change it every time I rebuild or build a garage foundation.
  16. Thank You William!! That was exactly what I was looking for. Easy Fix! Sending your DBX setting along with your picture is what pointed me in the right direction.
  17. I feel a little silly now! Thant was very simple and I have more control. Thank You Tommy!!! Once again you are one of my hero's in the forum.
  18. Good morning guys and gals!!! I built in a "Section View Annotations" into my annotation sets so when I do a section view I can change it to that annotation set for editing. Is there a way that when I open a new cross section that it will automatically pick up my new "Section View Annotations" that I built? Right now it just go's to using active defaults. Thank You
  19. Posting the plan in this case would not help. I just need someone to tell me how to adjust the top of my garage stem wall down without moving the living space stem wall with it?
  20. I set my garage floor at a -18" and my garage stem wall height is set for 6". So I was expecting my garage top of stem wall to be lover than the raised foundation top of stem wall. It doesn't seem to matter what I do both stem walls from the garage and the raised foundations are always in line with each other. Anyone know why this is happening?
  21. I agree but I really appreciate the passion that Terry has for this subject! Everybody cant know everything and have the time to analyze everything. We have to pick our poison and be an expert about it so each one of us can share what we learn in a nut shell to get it all to work together somehow. Anyway to answer the original question. I don't like the window to be up so high but sometimes we don't have any other options because of money or limited space. Only my opinion.
  22. I don't know why anyone would leave a window open for a long period of time. Weather/Sun changes on anything is hard. Lets not make it difficult; You open the window, take your shower and close the window. That's just 31 years of experience talking. I appreciate all the studies and believe that they are needed but sometimes I think we over study and just waist time. Window in a shower or not, exhaust fan or not, moisture sensor or not...... When it comes down to it the person using the bathroom is in control and he or she is going do whatever they want. All we can do is give them the tools to help them and move on. We cant make them flip a switch or open a window. I have a lot of respect for the smart guy's that can do these studies and write all these reports with all the big names that I cant understand. I'm just a contractor following the rules and obeying what is in the code book and I leave it to them. One of the bathrooms in my house was built in 1950. It is in great condition and it has a window with no exhaust fan. Respectfully
  23. If money would allow it I would do something like this (maybe because, oh! I did do this!): Bathrooms need windows if at all possible to help avoid mold and moisture damage in my opinion. If people don't open it during a hot steamy shower than they pay the price of repair sooner than later. I drive my family nuts about opening the window when they take a shower. Pet Peeve (I have too many of those!).
  24. It’s pretty common to put a 3010 XO window above a fiber glass shower unit in my neck of the woods. They sell them in stock at Home Depot with obscure glass. The problem with the window above the shower is that vertically challenged people can’t open it without a step stool. I prefer a window in a bathroom because the exhaust fans don’t work very good to get the steam out. That’s why when a window is preferred I try to sell a customer a tile shower verses a prefabbed unit so we can lower the window.
  25. Great video Scott! Thanks for putting the time in to help others.