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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. When using point to point dimensions I do not want the cross to print. Can this be done?
  2. Thanks for the info. So did they give us an off button?
  3. Sending to layout I get a fuzzy images unless I use plot lines. They print OK but viewing is not pleasant. This behavior just started. Any ideas?
  4. I auto build ONE time only, then nothing but manual adjustments. I do place my notes in blocks & save to catalog.
  5. How would you model this structure? I have been using 2nd floor with no ceiling and adding a slope ceiling plane. I guess there is no hope for sloped steel bar joist. I will do the section in CAD but wanted the CA section close to actual. Any tips?
  6. <Wild guess> Block all the notes & save to catalog<Wild guess Off>
  7. I would guess a room divider I railing below and a p-solid above. You would need to be in section view to create the solid so you can get the angle of the stair. My 2 cents.
  8. LOL, it's happy hour here in Florida. Signing off
  9. Just sent support request before I saw this thread. Same problem in X8, not a problem in X7 unless I blocked the text. I too use Arial. Don't care for the Chief Font.
  10. I think I have it looking OK. One artifact I don't know what it is. Just wish we could block the windows & doors.
  11. Thanks Perry I'll give that a try. Johnny that is the look I need. Mine are 2" casings 1/16 wide and windows overlap by 2". Is that what you are doing?
  12. More & more I am using storefront systems but have issues. I can set the frames to 2 " or Casings to 2" x 1/16 thick to represent the windows. Then I overlap to simulate the 2" partitions but you an not mull this unit. The door, see attached, needs to have a 2 or 3 inch border plus a 2' frame, how do you achieve his with glass panel? Back in a few hours. Thanks
  13. No, I tried browsing to the new file and no joy. Had to rename the file to get it to work. Too much work in progress files in ACAD & Chief & others to reboot at this moment. will try that next time. Thanks folks.
  14. I see no way to re-load a PDF file so I deleted a pdf & tried to reinsert it. It has the same name as the original PSF. When i insert it the OLD PDF shows up. The old PDF file does not exist so CA must be storing a copy in the Layout File. I close the layout file & re-opened it but loading the revised PDF I get the old PDF. What am i doing wrong?
  15. One that worked for me.
  16. It's low tide. You should see dome of the ramps in Alaska at low tide.
  17. OK I solved the issue. Found a CAD detail I created in the original plan (foundation detail) & sent to layout so it stayed with the layout file. Deleting it after making a block & sending to library. The file detached. Inserting the saved detail block and I am back in business. Thanks All
  18. Yes & that changed the plan in question to the correct plan. All views updated to the new plan. In that dialog box I see another plan file I had used when I created this layout file originally. I just reused the layout file as it had all the notes I needed but some how it is still attaching the original plan file.
  19. THANKS FELLAS, THE GLOBAL LINK OPTION DID THE TRICK. Oops caps OK this layout was used on another file I I can not delete the link from that original file. The relink took care of the previous file but the original plan is still linked. How to purge it?
  20. I have a project & need a copy of the layout file for alternate version. So I copy the layout file and name it <House Name>B.layout I copy the PLAN file to <House Name>B.plan. Now I want the layout file to associate with the new plan file not the old file. Do i have to delete ALL the views sent to layout and recreate all views from the new plan file? Or is there some magic button?
  21. OK I got the curved roof using Auto Roof but now I need to add a vaulted ceiling which starts at the beam on the balcony and follows the roof plane. Maybe there is a easy way to do this but no luck with google search. Same thing if you had a round gazebo with a finished sloped ceiling. Thanks Back later, after tennis
  22. All plans he used are copies from the ORIGINAL plan so there offset from the origin is exactly the same. I use Ctrl+Alt+V (paste hold position)
  23. I read that cosmetic options like wall finishes can be handles with Material Regions on different layers. But most changes take a structural change and best use the second copy of the plan file. I'll give this a try. BTW when you stop using a PLAN file associated with a LAYOUT file do you need to do anything special to sever this relation? Say you delete all views in the LAYOUT file and save it to a new project. Is there any baggage from the old PLAN associated with the Save AS Layout file?