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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Well, the point of having "Automatic Tables" is that they update when the plan changes. It is way too hard to make this work. (My 2 Cents)
  2. If you have a Block with many lines & you want to adjust a line or two. How do you edit that block only. Exploding it where it sits because too many other objects around and to re block is a PITA. The Layer filter thing is doable in most cases but seems like a lot of hoops to jump through. In Autocad, just double click & a dialog pops up, option to edit, Yes puts you in a isolated space no other objects. When saved back you come to the drawing, any other blocks of the same name are updated too.
  3. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a dynamic shelf tool?
  4. I forgot the trick / setting that allows a wall mount fixture to be placed on a non-wall object.
  5. This all started because the builder wants all Furniture turned off in the section views. Well the shelves are on the Furniture layer. Now I see the Table lamps are on electrical which I want lamps OFF but switches & all built in electrical showing. With the lamps in Architectural Blocks this too has become a PITA.
  6. It's the Shelf w/ closet rod. Joe it will not work, saved in user catalog & still inserts with original layer, not the new layer set in plan.
  7. SO I can not use Select Matching for Closet Shelves. *%#$&*
  8. What Shelf Default? Only one I could find is in a Cabinet & is not the layer used for closet shelves.
  9. How do you change the default layer of closet shelves to "Shelving" ?? I want the layer to be Shelving every time I insert a new shelf. Thanks PS how do you edit the title of this thread?
  10. Jim, That allows one or the other method. My point is that ACAD allows both methods any time you want. Thanks
  11. Michael, Good solution & I like the Video. Thanks for your time. Now off to practice your method. This has been an ongoing aggravation for me in CA knowing how easy it is a Autocad which I use every day. So every time I used it in autocad I had bad thought about CA. Thanks for easing my burden.
  12. Oh, thanks fellas, that fixed it. I'll get the hang of this software yet. Keep drawing. Alan
  13. I'm off to dinner so back in a few hours.. What causes this hole in my 2nd floor wall at the back porch?
  14. OK that may be a viable alternative. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the Block tip, I should have done that when I created that group. I need to use Block more often. Thanks again.
  15. Joe, I use the Match Properties tool a lot. BUT, I want to select one group of CAD layer objects that reside on that floor. Then to de-select the ones that I don't want is way too tedious. The only way in CA to efficiently select is to turn all layers off & the the layer you want on and select what you want. I obviously do not like this method but it is the only way. Sorry, I'm Bitching again.
  16. Thanks for your patience, I was off doing other work. Deadlines you know. Here is a simple example, see picture. ILO stairs I draw CAD limes, here in Red, to represent stairs over closets & such. I have 3 sets of stairs so I want to move this set only 3 & 4 inches to the left. In autocad I enter SEL at the keyboard then pick one object to get the layer property. Then I can group select with marquee selection only those items within the marquee that match that layer. Further more autocad will select based on the direction of the selection rectangle you marquee. Pick right & then left it select all within & all touching that match the layer. Pick Left & the Right and it select only those objects that are completely within the rectangle. So all the other objects not on that layer are ignored completely. How efficient is that?
  17. I thought I explained the situation. Doesn't matter what you are selecting, you only want to select certain ones in the group. The "Match Properties" will only select ALL. For those who have used other software this is a clumsy way to select objects.
  18. OK, I copied rebar dowel blocks from the foundation to the 1st floor. There were no conflicts with windows & doors. I then copied the blocks to the 2nd floor. This time some walls turn to frame & some overhangs also precluded the use of the rebar blocks. So I need to select some of the blocks but not all to delete. I know the ALL OFF Layer method but wouldn't it be nice if the "Match Properties" would allow a selection window and single picks? And wouldn't it be nice if the "Match Properties" worked on all objects and in section views?
  19. Not free but all the power of ACAD
  20. Wow a lot of busy work. But thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I'm off this project for a few days but will return with the results. Eric did a very nice job with his example.
  21. I have a house that I was working on & need to revise the front porch to mimic a photo the customer sent over. The items I have questions about are as follows: Note, at this time I don't need to be exact but just a general copy of the style. 1. matching the column style, I can live with 1st floor & 2nd floor columns, not continuous like the photo. 2. the railing, I would like to see the square pattern in the railing. The railing should fit between the columns. 3. the sun screen detail, do I have to build this from primitives? 4. the porch, I just covered it with a solid, File attached. The railing dies into the columns but need to be pulled back. Is this a situation that the railings should be a "No Room" item & the porch use "invisible walls"? The columns, I guess I could add p-solids to get some more detail. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks Englewood.plan
  22. OK the job is finished but then the Developer wants the foundation wall height minimized & the footing will be in the fill. So on one side of a courtyard, the garaged is detached but privacy walls connect the house & courtyard so the privacy wall foundations now need to be stepped up several times. And the house foundation shortened on 3 of the 4 sides. I don't want to move the grade & rebuild the foundation. How to break the foundation & move each section up?