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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Has anyone used BricsCAD? I was considering replacing my 2006 AutoCAD with BricsCAD but will look into ArchiCAD now that I have read this thread.
  2. Michael I must say you are quite a talented user of this software.
  3. The Plain Text with grid on works OK once you get it figured out. I do use blank layouts on occasion but for 10 sheets the text table is easier for me to manage. Just edit it on one sheet.
  4. OK Thanks Alan, that helps. Playing with plain text I was able to create a text object & align the vertical lines to match the Index. This was the way to go only I could not conquer the Text table elements, Now I have a better understanding. SO I no longer need the cobbled table I created.
  5. I build an extension to the table of contents on a plan to accommodate sheets I do not generate. The horizontal likes need to be quite accurate to fall between the new text. I measure but at 3/16 the rounding chief does at that small a measure is off. In Autocad I just Pick the measurement which is quite accurate. I doubt Chief will add this feature to its dialog boxes as not enough people are asking for it. So what is the best way to get the accurate measurement? Is there a better way to do this?
  6. That's it. Thanks Joe.....
  7. Thanks Joe but not working in the text, works in the label.
  8. If I change the Text Macro to Referenced Object it works in the text but not in the Label.
  9. I created a Roof Surface macro that works in the Roof label but not in a text object. See plan attached. What am I doing wrong? Roof Macro.plan
  10. I AGREE. Simply providing a way to move the coordinates of the area hatch would be a quick solution. As long as you can create a 2'x4' hatch.
  11. Alan that is a good tip. Can't tell you how many times I tried to select a light over a cabinet.
  12. I use a pre made grid that I blocked & added to the library. It is rather large so I delete most lines after exploding & trimming. It can be rotated and nugged into your preferred alignment. I don't center but look at the margin tiles to prevent any small tiles & make sure the lights if used will look ok in the space. More of a visual alignment for me. Great video Michael.
  13. Yes if you heat the outer part & cool the inner part it will still require force to join the parts. I think that 10 thousandths play is still considered an interference fit and requires force to join the parts.
  14. Without control of the hatch pattern origin you could make your own pattern files but for each grid size it would be 144 files for 1 inch offsets. Seems like Chief would have provided the origin control for users. At least in the professional version of there software.
  15. Thanks Curt, What I wanted was to have Chief auto build the floor system with trusses. It uses TJI's so why not Web Trusses? Another option that would be goo is the swap out TJI's for web trusses globally. No way to to that That I have found.
  16. Wow your engineer is "one size fits all" kinda guy. What happened to "review the plan & design to the load conditions found"? I think I deleted 16 trusses in this project. None of them were necessary. I guess Chief adds them because it can not determine if they are load bearing or not.
  17. No sir, not with 3/4" plywood, just cross bracing and often no bracing at all.
  18. Agreed, when you get the design just the way you want it, the client comes back and request moving a few exterior walls & then the auto regen would be a blessing BUT all your changes would be lost. That's why so many people turn auto OFF once it is built the first time. Foundations & Roof are the same way for me. Auto one time only!
  19. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm getting there. How can I get web floor joist?
  20. There is a non bearing wall but we don't add a truss for those. I have made some progress. Thanks
  21. One thing Chief did was to put two extra joist under some walls. How would I stop that?
  22. I see you have to check in the walls structure to "Hang Floor Platform" and "Include Ledger" to get the framing to get the joist to break on the interior walls.
  23. Will Chief handle this with "Floor Trusses" or do you have to modify them yourself?
  24. Did you have to do any post processing while in SketchFab? I had to go through some of the materials in the model & re-associate them with the texture files.
  25. May I ask the process you used to get your model into SketchFab? I used export 3DS file & did a save entire plan in Chief to get the materials into a PDF added the 3DS file & removed the plan. Uploaded to SketchFab but had to go through some of the materials to get them to display. Is there an easier way?