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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. I think the complexities are not worth the benefits. So p-solids for visual and CAD for actual details.
  2. Mick, Perhaps it could be done. This is the more complex wall section. Not sure how you would manage the separation of the lower pony wall & the upper pony wall.
  3. So you can model this in Chief with a wall type? Palmetto.pdf
  4. In fact, I'm having to detail these walls which are not walls in Chief, but are P-solids. I wish they could be walls so I could auto frame them.
  5. Rod, Thanks for the interest. The current project only needs a small area detailed as the main building is within the "Metal Building" and the shell is by others. I have been receiving more requests for wall detail for the next project. 16000 sq ft with CMU exterior walls & metal frame interior walls. The current project may require more interior walls detailed but for now, I'm not providing them. The Entry at the side of the building is all LGF framing so they want the details for the structural envelope.
  6. In Autocad use File>Drawing Utilities>Audit : _audit Fix any errors detected? [Yes/No] <No>:y 41218 objects audited Total errors found during audit 0, fixed 0
  7. What happens to the framing if you need to move the wall? Will General Framing move with it?
  8. OK, I changed my material but the default bridging SIZE illudes me. I used "Steel-Box" instead of U or C channel. I can change it in the 3D view by selecting it, but where is the default setting for bridging size?
  9. Thanks, fellas. That's exactly it Rob. Michael, Just to be clear, Defaults>Framing>materials It says roof? See attached.
  10. First, where is the default for the material of the Wall Bridging Material? What material do I use to get steel-like material? Is it possible to create Steel wall blocking? Or just 'C' Channel Blocking?
  11. Good tip Glenn, Can you make the border line type default to invisible?
  12. Oh, that's good news. Off to create a new layout box layer. Thanks
  13. Do we not have a control to display selected layout box borders? When Layout layers are used ALL of the layout boxs get borders displayed. This would be an unusual situation that I needed all borders displayed.
  14. The models are here : I downloaded the Autocad DWG & stripped the gutts out and exported to dae.
  15. That sounds strange. Quite a design restriction with a powder room so close to the front door. I'm in a 150 MPH zone & all doors & windows are impact rated as well as wind rated but you can still have an inswing door. The garage door are well reinforced. The CMU walls offer great shear walls and most have #5 rebar in a poured cell every 4 feet.
  16. I've been through many hurricanes in my 71 years in Florida but never had the ground shake.
  17. If people only knew what the walls were made of! We use a lot of 8x8x16 CMU block walls here. I can take a 3LB sledge and in 2 minutes enter the home if I don't have any filled cells in my way.
  18. Doors with high wind loads should open out. Better rain seal & wind pressure resistance. Best to have cover/roof over all exterior doors & use fiberglass, not wood or steel for exposure to the elements. A thief will find the path of least resistance. A sledgehammer & crowbar will breach most doors.
  19. Nice presentation Dave. Did you build one plan & then save as for each model? Just curious about your method?
  20. So programing in the Chief version of Ruby is like boxing with one arm tied behind your back.
  21. When I try to download the PDB files I can only get the first page, not the entire document. Is there a trick to this? Not familiar with pdb files.
  22. Could you also set a global var to the current file name and if the file name does not match the current file then reset the variables?
  23. They came over with the copy/paste. So I see two more. Are they supposed to be there?
  24. Oops, copy & paste from web browser error. Updated macro, see below, same error Roof plane selected & macro set to OWNER
  25. Somehow I am doing something wrong. I set the macro to OWNER & tried the others but no success. I even set obj = owner in an attempt to get it to work.