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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Sorry for the late reply. I guess I shouldnt have even posted the picture because its just the default plan settings I havent changed anything. I just wanted to know what adjustments would I need to make in order for my elevation drawings to look clean and legible like the examples shown on Chiefs website gallery.
  2. Yes, this is my first time using chief for working drawings. Eric do you know what I would need to change the settings to in order for them to look like the examples on chiefs NKBA PDF examples? Those are a good size and legible. Since I left everything at default I assumed that the PDF examples in the gallery on chiefs site was what the default settings were already set at.
  3. Hi Eric, thanks for the reply. Im starting the process for working drawings and Im using some auto dimensions to get it started, however even though I havent made any changes to the default dimension settings they seem too big. Im using X11, is this just how it looks until you export to layout? Im just use to seeing the finished look prior to export so this seems either new to me or Im just forgetting the regular process.
  4. I tried looking at the online training videos to help out with this but couldnt find an answer. Does anyone know why the dimension look so big like this? Usually the dimensions change to get smaller or appropriate size if you export something. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  5. Great thanks Mick I will check the article out!
  6. Great, thanks for the reply Robert!
  7. Does anyone know if Chief Premier comes with any special fonts upon installing it on your computer? Im missing some fonts on my system and Chief appears to be the only program that I didnt reinstall. If it does come with any special fonts how can I restore them on my computer? Thanks in advance!
  8. This looks amazing! Great job!!!
  9. Great Job Rene! This reminds me that sunshine in the renderings arent always necessary. I always want to try and make the scenes sunshine and happy but these show me that sometimes the darker more subtle lighting can be just as nice and less startling then some rays of light can create in some renderings. Thanks for sharing!
  10. Thank you for the additional advice everyone, I appreciate it.
  11. Thank you Eric for your help!
  12. Hi Eric, when you drag a wall out to draw it snaps to different objects like the end of a cabinet or to the nearest next wall. I didnt take a picture because you wouldnt see anything but a wall in a floor plan. Dbx = wall dbx. Im just trying to better understand how to gain more control over wall behavior in smaller areas like kitchens and baths. Ideally it would be nice if they could behave like cabinets in 2d where you can drag them to resize and they dont snap wildly and prevent size changes from taking place. Ive tried using the wall length in the wall dbx but it doesnt change anything, the snap behavior takes precedence.
  13. Ive been adjusting wall snaps and behaviors and wanted to ask if anyone knows a good setting for them? I love how snaps allow for them to quickly connect in some situations but my frustration comes when Im working in a small space like a kitchen or bath and I need the wall to be exactly 24" from the wall. Even if I type the 24" into the dbx it snaps to whatever is closest... another wall etc. then the snaps drive me crazy. Any ideas? Thanks!
  14. Thanks Eric, I will check those out!
  15. I rarely have these types of designs where the inside wall becomes an outside wall after passing the roof. This design with no attic and vaulted ceiling I cant seem to figure out the best way to get the interior wall below the roof and exterior wall above the roof. Is there a quick way to do this through the dbx or is this going to be a vectorview thing where I have to raise and adjust the walls? Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  16. Cool! Im so glad they fixed that.... Im sure when I update from X11 to X12 I'll be sure to check out this new fix. Thanks for letting me know!
  17. Cool just wanted to make sure you got it.
  18. Thank you Eric for posting this example. I havent been able to edit the plan to post it as its very large. Yes this is exactly what Im talking about. My question is why isnt it a gradual shading darker vs a very stark difference in colors despite the same material? I understand that shadows can cause dark areas but not when they are so close and the lighting is even in all the areas. Are these the results to be expected in PBR's?
  19. Thanks for the input both of you. When I get a second I will delete everything so it will actually upload and keep all the items that matter on the plan. By the way Mike, I sent you a PM awhile back... its hard to see them on chieftalk sometimes haha...there definitely not text messages.
  20. I had a post about this before but couldnt find it in my followed content. This is an update. I had a room that in PBR the same paint and textures appear to be different although the same exact material. Several chiefers told me if I change room type it can affect the appearance of the material in PBR. So here in another PBR I have the same white baseboards yet at the arches in the other rooms the baseboards appear gray, it also changed the flooring color a bit too. So again, I changed all room types to the same living room and rechecked to ensure the white paint was the same and it is. Any ideas why this appears this way? I just moved the camera so I wouldnt take the picture of the discoloration but Im just trying to understand why it does this. Thanks!
  21. Thanks you for all your help on both topics Greg, that was a little tutorial for me as I didnt know that about illustrator and good to know thank you!
  22. Hi Greg, thanks for the reply. I was just trying to get a crisper image for my website because before chief started doing PDFs you had to export Jpeg and they werent very clear on the webpages. So now I have been taking each floor plan and export pdf and using the image there for the webpages. I havent had issues with all the plans just a few where the image gets cut off and doesnt properly display. So in this situation where some but not all arent working its hard to figure out what the culprit is. Is there another way then what Im doing to create a crisp floor plan images for use on websites?
  23. Does anyone know why when I export to PDF the image isnt fully seen and it cuts off balconies and porches? I expanded the view in 2d in case I was scrolled in too far but it doesnt seem to make a difference. Any ideas? Thanks!
  24. Thank you both for the clarification!
  25. Can someone explain to me how export the entire plan with materials helps maintain all your textures? I just completed my first back up entire plan plus referenced files. When I opened it up on my desktop I looked into the file and nothing was familiar that was even used in the plan. It also didnt have any textures that were used widely in the plan like wood floors or kitchen cabinets. I then went back into the plan and purged any textures that werent used and backup entire plan again but the same unused textures were in there and yet no commonly used textures in there either?? Im puzzled how this helps save your plan should you get newer versions of chief that dont have the same textures if you dont even see them in the backed up plan file?? Thanks!