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    Heaven on Earth There's someone in my head, but it's not me…

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  1. While I'm not interested in completing the project for you I did a quick model using the width of the siding boards as a ruler to establish some rough dimensions. Is this what you are looking for? If so Chief is fully capable of producing the documents you require.
  2. Larry, check out this link in the Symbols & Content forum.
  3. In our neck of the woods we use a 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" notch on the edge of the concrete slab in lieu of a rat guard. The base plate sits on top of the slab and the metal siding extends down an inch and a half to sit in the notch.
  4. All good possibilities except for one thing. Everything works as it should in X15. Something has changed in Chief in X16. X15 X16 I don't have the time or inclination to futz with this now but something definitely changed between versions. Nothing in my computer has.
  5. I have experienced this sporadically but finally took the time to isolate the problem... at least in one DBX. It may be occurring in others as well. Can anyone else confirm this behavior? If I select a Roof Plane and open the Roof Plane Specification DBX there are 3 of the items in the drop down menu that exhibit this behavior. When I open the DBX this is what I get. The drop down menu items and the usual OK, Cancel or Help buttons at the bottom of the DBX. However if I select any of the three items I indicated in the drop down menu I get a truncated version of the DBX that doesn't show the three exit options. Shadow Boards gives a DBX with the exit option buttons just barely visible. While in the other two the exit options don't appear at all so you have to hit enter to make your changes or the exit "X" to leave the DBX. Also once you select one of the three dysfunctional choices all the other ones exhibit the same behavior if you return to any of them. Screen real estate must be cheap in Idaho. But not everybody has the luxury of working with multiple monitor setups. Can we at least limit the size of the DBXs to fit on the screen?
  6. You've still got some issues Ringos. >The top ridge of the roof goes straight across and yours has a hump on one end. >The right side of your roof plane has the "dip" in it but it should all be the same pitch. >To raise the gable height you have to either increase the pitch or raise the Ridge Top Height. Here is a Vector View which shows the Roof Planes more clearly. I also tweaked the Dormer to make it look more like the photos.
  7. When you create the Tray Ceiling and select it you will have the option to add Moldings in the Tray Ceiling Specification DBX. Unfortunately I didn't save the plan but here are the steps in a simple Tray Ceiling Plan. It's important to know that you have to have a Room defined and Selected before the Tray Ceiling tools will become available. Select the Tray Ceiling and open the DBX and in the Moldings drop down menu you can choose whatever molding you want. In the Tray Ceiling Specification DBX you can also change the Material of the Molding you apply. Hope this helps you get going. If you want to pay for assistance you might want to list this over in the Seeking Services forum. BTW, throw a little potting soil in there with that plant!
  8. Not a lot to go on here but you can create the tray ceiling by enclosing the porch area with Room Dividers to make a room and using the Make Tray Ceiling in Room tool. You can add a molding to it to get the darker brown border inside the tray ceiling. In this case it's probably is easier to use 3D Solids for your banding as you can bevel the edges as needed. Here is a quick take using these methods.
  9. So what type would you call it? Rural hodgepodge?
  10. Come on TT, this is Chief. We can do anything. I oughta give you a demerit for this but that's not how I roll. Use the Delete Surface tool to remove everything but the pieces of fabric you want to keep. Create Symbols of the remaining pieces. Make a Symbol of the chair with the fabric you want to change deleted. Now maneuver your new fabric piece Symbol into the proper orientation on the chair. When everything is aligned properly create a new Symbol of the reupholstered chair.
  11. I have a couple. Turn off the Caps Lock key. Start a new thread for your problem. Is this what you are looking for?
  12. OK, so here's the work around: Draw a wall segment and install a window in it. Highlight the Window and in the Window DBX set all the parameters for the window you want. While the Window is selected use the Convert Selected to Symbol tool to add the window to your User Catalog. Now use Robert Lackore's excellent description below to create the angled hole in your wall. You can now install the window symbol from your library into the hole. The Window Symbol can be rotated to match the hole while a Window can't be rotated.
  13. This is asbestos I could come up with using the Windows tools.