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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Richard, Thanks for that tip. I was loosing interest in videos because I was always getting messages that I had reached my limit through Screencast. I will definitely try that option next time.
  2. The key setting to get this working is Staircase dbx...Style panel...Options...Allow Wrap. I believe it is toggled on OOB. Or you can also do it by using invisible walls and the Winders option, but the above method is easier. Curt, not counting sheep. I went for an early surf - counting waves.
  3. I think it can be done with internal stairs, something like this - no landings, just stairs. I haven't got time to run you through it now - I'm off to bed.
  4. Joe, That information is readily available for every roof plane. Have a look at the Polyline panel of the roof dbx. There are also Object Specific macros available for each property, that you can use in the roof label. Joe has made a good job of gathering up the information and presenting it in a table. • Perimeter - This is the length of the roof plane’s perimeter, including fascia and shadow boards, with its pitch taken into account. It does not equal the perimeter as measured in floor plan view unless the pitch is 0. • Framing Area - This is the area of the roof plane’s framing, not including the fascia or shadow boards, with the pitch taken into account. It is slightly smaller than the Roof Surface Area as roofing typically overhangs the framing by a small amount. • Projected Area - This is the area of the roof plane polyline, including fascia and shadow boards, as seen in floor plan view. It does not equal the Roof Surface Area unless the pitch is 0. • Roof Surface Area - This is the area of the roof plane’s top surface, which covers the fascia and shadow boards, with the pitch taken into account. • Overhang Area - This is the area of the roof plane’s overhang, including fascia and shadow boards, with its pitch taken into account. • Projected Overhang Area - This is the area of the roof plane’s overhang, including fascia and shadow boards, as seen in floor plan view.
  5. Ah, then it sounds like you could use the Merge function in the Plan Materials dbx. This will apply the new material and delete all the replaced materials from the plan materials in one go - no going near the library.
  6. MickeyToo, Yes, not only does it change the materials for the existing roofs, say, but also the default material for future roofs.
  7. Or...if you don't want to use the Material Painter and the associated problems it may cause, Chief has a tool to do this. Go 3D...Materials...Plan Materials. Select the material you want to replace and click the ....(drum roll.....) Replace button. Select a material from the library and it will replace the old material with the new material on every object in the plan that uses the old material.
  8. I'll have one guess without a plan. Is your Open Below room for the stair connected to the main structure with a room divider wall (or any wall)? In your General Wall defaults is Connect Island Rooms unchecked?
  9. Basil, To draw a continuous line, wall, whatever, start the tool, right click and drag for the first section, release for end of first section, right click for end of second section....and so on. Or...Edit...Edit Behaviors... Alternate. You can now use the left mouse button to click and drag continuous lines. Or...hold the Alt key while clicking with the left mouse button. As for the driveway. I don't think that you can create a circular driveway by drawing it back onto itself. ie, you can't connect the end back onto the driveway you are drawing. You have to draw the outline polyline of the overall shape with cad, convert it to a road or sidewalk and then create a hole in the middle by using the Create Hole tool which you will find on the Edit toolbar when you select the road. I think you need to be drawing on top of an already created terrain or you can't draw terrain features. Just to show you that it can be done:
  10. I believe David is correct. When you change back to plan view your Annotation Set is probably changing as well. Have a look at the drop down Active Annotation Set Control box. You will probably notice the Annotation Set change as you switch views.
  11. I believe it is because you are getting the new cabinet from the library and the default settings do not apply in that case. Defaults only apply to cabinets placed directly with the cabinet tools.
  12. When I open the .pdf and click around in the document, I get blue shaded boxes, all the same size. If I then right click in a blue box, I get an option to Copy Image, which I can do and then paste the highlighted part of the pdf into Paint or similar. Seems a bit strange.
  13. Ste, I checked X6 and it is the same as X7. So I checked the X6 help file and under the What's new In X6 section, I found this: That is what I was thinking of.
  14. Scott, Yeah, there is probably no need to report the stairwell in the ceiling height, After all, there is no ceiling there.
  15. Steve, No, sorry, I didn't print. I was relying on the print preview. No color here when I print to .pdf. I am pretty sure that you could do this in the past. I was sure there was an option somewhere that said Always Print Images in Color, or some such thing. Maybe it am thinking of the Display in Color When Possible setting.
  16. Scott, Yes, I just tested it and it's returning the stair opening height as well. Are you having any problems with formatting as the macro is returning 245 mm when it should be 2450 mm. Looks like a bug - the usual metric thing.
  17. Ray, For wall height, you can use the global Room Ceiling Height which gives you the Rough Ceiling height which is the wall height - measure from top of Floor Structure to underside of Rough Ceiling. Both Room Ceiling Height and Room Ceiling Finished Height return N/A when there is no Ceiling Over This Room. Scott, Could the macro be reporting the height to the floor above in the stairwell which I assume is Open Below? Is your floor 13" thick? I can't see a dining room in your pic.
  18. I think I can get what you want with the following settings in Layout. This is with a .jpg imported into the Layout. Preferences...Display...Display in Color when Possible - checked and Grayscale checked. View...Color toggled off. I don't think makes any difference to the printing, just the on screen print preview) Print Layout dbx...Options...Print in Color unchecked. I assume you want to print like the second image.
  19. Joe, The only problem is, this setting changes any existing lines. It would be good if it only applied to new lines so that you could have different lines with different formats.
  20. Alan, No, you can't delete an individual section of a dimension string and create 2 dimension strings. You can edit it by removing extensions- but it's still one dimension string. You would need to delete it and draw 2 new dimension lines or edit the existing one and draw 1 new one.
  21. Joe, Do you mean like this? These settings can be accessed at Defaults...CAD...General Cad. Display Line Length Format as Units = ' to how ever many decimal places you want (or different formatting if you don't want decimal feet). Display Line Angle As Quadrant Bearing.
  22. Go to Preferences...Material List...Report Style...Include These Columns...uncheck Floor. if you don't have a Floor column, Chief lists for the building and doesn't list by floor.
  23. You can define a single layer wall, without fill and it will display in plan without fill, even if it is defined as a Solid rail. You can display the walls any way you want. ie, if your wall definition has a fill, a solid railing using that wall definition will have a fill. If your wall definition doesn't have a fill, a solid railing using that wall definition will not have a fill It all depends on what wall definition your railing uses. If you need a multilayered wall, you can use white lines for any wall layers that you don't want to print
  24. Graham, I can see that you have invested a lot of time and thought into your solution. I wish you luck and look forward to Scott's comments.
  25. Rich, I have been meaning to ask. Why are your text blocks so narrow. Do you use a carriage return (Enter) where you want the end of the line, or to coincide with the window width you are typing into? I think just about everyone else just lets the auto text wrap do it's thing. No big deal, I am just curious.