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About Renerabbitt

  • Birthday 10/05/1981

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    Oakland, California

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  1. Hi Rene, I hope you are well. I am not expecting this macro to be given to me, but I am curious if it can be written. Is there a way to make our elevation callouts on the layout reflect the name of the page (already does this) and show the cardinal direction? We were naming all of the cameras, but that is way too time-consuming.

    Example: Kitchen - East Wall


    1. Renerabbitt


      A lot easier than that would just be to keep your cameras in your template file. Thats what I do in my Pro Plan template. To answer your question though, I would need to make you a custom north pointer. The north pointer does not have any reporting values, so i would need to CAD block it with a macro that picks up its angle and then create you a macro for your label that takes that angle and transllates it into directions.
      Ill tell you that its for this reason that I do not label east west. I label left right . Let me know if you want to know more

    2. Leadcarpo


      Thank you!

    3. Renerabbitt


      shoot me an email at if you need anything