How Do I Do This?


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Basically what you see is a building cross section. So in Chief you would create your 3D model carefully setting Defaults to emulate exactly how you intend to actually build in the field.


Then using a back-clipped cross section camera to bracket exactly the slice of the building that shows what you want to communicate graphically.


When your settings per room dialog are correct you can then use the "Auto Detail" tool which adds certain 2D overlays onto the live cross section view at which time you can then do: (Auto Detail picks up prior settings per room specification dialogs to decide what is and is not added as 2D overlays)


1. then manually add your text annotations and dimensions to the view and perhaps manually edit what the Auto Detail tool did and then send to layout for printing at a scale or

2. use the View to CAD tool to further edit and clean up the line entities before sending to layout for printing at a scale. (AutoCAD users often prefer this method since they are more familiar with 2D CAD tools and procedures.



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attachicon.gifIMG_5656.JPG I litterally just manually drew it with polylines.


In the future, you can use a number of methods to do an actual screen capture instead of taking a picture of your screen.  What I usually do myself is use "Print Screen".. Most keyboards have a little button somewhere up on the top middle to right hand side of the keyboard labeled Print Screen or Prt Sc.  Press that and then go into Microsoft Paint or some other photo editing software and click "Paste" (or press Control+V).  Crop as necessary and/or add notes and then Save As whatever.  Then attach that file to your post. 


There are other methods as well, but one way or another, using a "screenshot" is a lot better than an actual photo. 

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