Snapping to cabinets, windows, doors in elevations


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Perhaps I don't have something configured correctly, but I am not able to snap to any cabinets, door or window trims, or countertops when viewing an elevation. That isn't normal is it?


Edit: Perhaps more accurately I should state that I can drag a manual dimension across an item like a window and it will give me an accurate measurement, but I'm more specifically talking about trying to place point markers in elevation. I'm not able to have them snap to a corner of window trim for example.

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  • 5 months later...

I've also had this issue for some time.  I gave up trying to make it work.  I figured it just doesnt.  Working in elevations has a long way to go in my opinion.  It is very inconsisitent, snaps work sometimes and sometimes they don't, I will have objects that will snap on one side but not the other, I've had objects that will snap to the correct plane but the snap point will be way up in space, and like you said, point markers don't work right either.  Thats my experience anyway, and no settings seem to fix it.

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are snaps turned on?

yep.  I've tried all on, each one individually on and the others off.  nothin'.  It's one of those situations where I'm thinking, "I could have sworn this has worked before!  Why not now?"  

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Are you sure that you have been able to snap cad items to things like cabinets, doors and windows in cross section?

Certainly in a cross section, you can snap cad items to cross section lines like floor and ceiling platforms and wall sections, and other cad items.

And as you point out, dimensions will work with cabinets, doors, windows, etc. 

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I think I have it figured out.  The back clip plane determines what objects I can snap to.  The dimensions work okay but if I need to draw a line from a snap point, I have to zoom in and approximate it.  No big deal.

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