Opening Older Plans In V7 Drawn


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I am just saying that when I open a plan that was created in a earlier version of chief  like version 4,5 or 6, it does not keep the same layer set that it was saved in. So I have to go through the plan and turn off the offending layers like door & window casing. 


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When you say version 4,5 or 6, are you meaning X4,X5 or X6 (meaning version 14, 15 or 16 from just a few years ago)?  Or do you mean the versions from the early 90s?


I assume you mean the more recent ones??  If older ones, just import your current annotation sets, and solved (a step that needs done anyway since annotation sets didn't exist on the early versions, so no extra work).


Please clarify if I'm misunderstanding.

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Chief Architect rewrites how layers are handled and added annotation sets more recently, so older plans written as they were then get kinda "lost in translation". To me, the amazing thing is that they can be brought forward as well as they currently do. The older the file, the more doctoring it must have when brought forward. You will have to ask that question directly to one or more of the egg heads who create the code on which Chief runs to get a more lucid answer.



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