Material list: framing, structural reporting, buy list. How to get plates and headers to cut from the 16' lengths


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For a house framed with exterior walls in 2x6, interior walls in 2x4, and 9/0 nominal ceilings everywhere, I set the buy list to have two lengths only of each size. Thus for 2x6 size, the two lengths are 8'-8 5/8" and 16'.


My problem is that the wall plates (and maybe opening header parts also), many being less than 8'-8 5/8", seem to be chopped from the shorter parts, and not the 16s.  I have checked in the setup for structural member reporting that wall plates are to come from longest size, but I don't know how this works in the code to produce buy list part counts.


In the image attached, a screencap from my material list, you can see plenty of the 9/0 precut buy list parts counted to do wall plates and headers.

Screenshot 2025-03-14 155740.png

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OK @Alaskan_Son, things are not going the way I want.  In my job with all walls nominally 9/0 tall, studs all the precuts at 8'-8 5/8", there are a lot of door and window openings with trimmer in 8'-1" lengths, and the material list buy list is wanting to cut every one of these from a 16' piece.  Per your observation and comment, I've sequenced the member reporting with two lengths only, 15' first, then 8'-8 5/8".  Pieces 8'-1" go first to the 16, get cut, leave 7'-11 minus the kerf, and I get stuck with a whole bunch of off falls at this length.  What can be done to ensure the trimmers instead get cut from the 8'-8 5/8" lengths? 


Shouldn't a part first go for the nearest buy length that first exceeds the cut length?

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