Stepped shower wall: how to best finish step face


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We have the OOB shower wall, a pony wall with glass up, and a capped framed wall below with one side drywall finish, the other outer layers backer, mud, and tile.


Thanks, Chief!


These get stepped a lot, I'm sure.  See the pic here.


Unless we do a manual patch, the step face is the edges of all the layers, both finish and framing.  I'd like a zero-thickness finish of tile, the zero wanted so the end of the wall cap is flush to the wall edge finish, to make the shower glass fit and detailing neat and clean.


Do you ignore this, or do you have a fix?


And I think a suggestion is due, unless I am missing something.  Agree?

Screenshot 2025-03-07 093409.png

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4 hours ago, GeneDavis said:

do you have a fix?


Personally I use a Solid in the same Material as the top of the Curb as that is likely what the Tiler will also use....




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I'm not sure if you are needing help on how to accomplish this...or, just upset that Chief doesn't make it easy? I feel you....

Here is one way to do it...


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Thanks, Steve.  I was just wishing that Chief gave us a few-clicks way of specifying the exposed step edge.


In the attached screencap, you can see how I model it as it typically gets built.  You can look through dozens of shower photos on the Houzz site to see this.  The wall cap almost always has overhangs both sides, the inside tile side and the sheetrock outside.  It is dressed flush to the step face, and the step face is tiled with the same material as the shower walls.


I had to model a solid at 1/16" thickness to mask the wall step edge, which was showing all the layers of the wood-framed lower section of the pony wall:  sheetrock, framing, rock, membrane, thinset, and tile.  The mask is painted to match the subway tile of the walls.


Screenshot 2025-03-08 231101.png

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