chief architect window not showing width/height and schedule


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In window specification>label I have checked Height/Width Display: Width/Height and Additional Text: Include Schedule Number and Include type. This would seem like I would get 3050DH for width, height, and type and the schedule number. Yet, I only get the schedule number showing on the window. I do not see a schedule number in Active Layer Display options that might be off.144117229_Screenshot2024-12-03at5_29_28AM.thumb.png.85e089a7f9438203aeb201efd19e99b5.png263874451_Screenshot2024-12-03at5_34_22AM.thumb.png.ba57413315f92d2a091bcb2740688830.png

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1 hour ago, DBCooper said:

Open the cad detail, click on the schedule, and use the open button.  Or find the schedule in the project browser and open it from there.




You need to get your referenced plans fixed before you will know what window schedule to fix. 


Once you are dealing with the correct window schedule, you control what displays here:



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If you want to show both the window size (3050) and the schedule number on your plan view and/or layout...


1. Create a cad detail of your window schedule.

2. Go to the project browser and find CAD details under the name of the plan you are working on.

3. Right click and add new cad detail.

4. Go to tools>schedules and select the window schedule. It should show up in the CAD detail.

5. Customize the view of that like you want.

6. This is a great video for that.

7. Click on the schedule, then open the properties for that schedule.

8. Go to the Label section on the left, then at the top on the right area, select either Both Callout and Label or Label.


If that does not work, open the properties for each window you want to show both.

Click label and check that width/height is checked. Add a check mark on type if you want it to show the type (DH) of window.

If you want both the size and call out to show on the window rather that call out check on the window properties and uncheck callout on the CAD detail.

See screenshots below.



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